TN 84 (01-25)

DI 13010.090 Processing a Trial Work Period (TWP) Determination

This section provides TWP processing instructions for the field offices (FOs) and processing centers (PCs). For information on the definition and entitlement policies for the TWP, see DI 13010.035, The Trial Work Period (TWP). For more information on how fraud affects the TWP, see DI 13010.037.

A. Determining TWP months

When developing work activity during the TWP, determine if prior work activity exists and if there is a previous TWP decision, and follow these guidelines:

  • Query eWork or the disability control file (DCF) for information on prior work activity. If querying the DCF, review the query earnings screen (QERN) and the verify/update earnings screen (VERN) to obtain in-depth information on work activity.

  • Review decisions outside of eWork: Information on the master beneficiary record (MBR), the detailed earnings query (DEQY), supplemental security income query (SSID), or the PC paperless system. It is also helpful to query past notices sent to the claimant through the online retrieval system (ORS).

  • If possible, obtain the prior folder if you are unable to secure prior work determination information. For instructions on how to retrieve information and documents from stored folders, see GN 01070.600.


  • MSOM CDR 001.001 Disability Control File (DCF) – Overview

  • DI 13010.500 The Disability Control File (DCF)

  • DI 13010.600 The Continuing Disability Review (CDR) Information (CDRI) Screen

B. TWP not completed

1. Documenting work activity in eWork

Unless an exclusion applies, use eWork to develop, control, document and effectuate all work activity determinations for disabled beneficiaries.

When you determine that the beneficiary has not completed 9 TWP months:

  • eWork completes all necessary forms, and prints the appropriate beneficiary notices;

  • The earnings are “pushed” to the Verified Earnings (VERN) screen on the DCF;

  • the eWork system sets an automatic INVTWP issue on the CDR development worksheet (CDRW) screen of the DCF for the projected end of the TWP; and

  • eWork closes the DCF T2 work CDR as “SSR/MBR STOP CDR.

If the beneficiary is not currently working, enter Ds in the closed field of the INVTWP issue on the CDRW to delete the issue.

See also:

DI 13010.020 Work Reports

DI 13010.025 Field Office (FO) and Processing Center (PC) Responsibility in Work Issue Continuing Disability Reviews (CDRs)

MSOM CDR 001.013 CDR Development Worksheet (CDRW)

2. Documenting work activity on the DCF for eWork exclusion cases

If you are unable to use eWork due to a systems limitation, use the IC process in eWork and manually establish the T2 work CDR on the DCF.

NOTE: The IC process in eWork does not establish a DCF event, or post verified earnings.

When a beneficiary has worked but has not completed the TWP:

  • Establish the TWP work review action on the DCF using the Disability Review Establishment Screen (DRES).

  • Select the appropriate claim on the Entitlement Selection (ESEL) screen. From the ESEL screen, you are directed to the disability data information on the Entitlement Summary (ESUM) screen.

  • Document the monthly earnings determinations on the DCF using the Verify/Update Earnings (VERN) screen. Use the CDR Remarks Input (IRMK) to document any pertinent remarks.

  • Close all completed issues on the CDRW screen.

  • Complete the CDR FO Input (IFOA) screen to close the TWP action. Input: SELECT EVENT TYPE 5, SSR/MBR STOP CDR.

  • eWork prepares an SSA-899 (Continuing Disabilty Review). For more information on the SSA-899, see DI 13010.175.

  • If the case is an eWork exclusion, use DPS to prepare and send an SSA-L1013 notice of the TWP determination.

For more information on how to complete specific DCF screens, see MSOM CDR 001.007 through MSOM CDR 001.016.

See also:

  • DI 13010.605 The CDR Development Worksheet (CDRW) Screen

  • DI 13010.610 The Disability Review Establishment (DRES) Screen

  • DI 13010.677 The Entitlement Selection (ESEL) Screen

  • DI 13010.679 The Entitlement Summary (ESUM) Screen

3. Annotating TWP development issue on the DCF

If this is the first TWP action and the CDRW does not show a previous INVTWP issue:

  • The DCF automatically posts an INVTWP issue to the CDRW for the month after the ninth TWP month.

  • Return to the CDRW screen and enter D's in the closed field of the INVTWP issue if you do not want a future diary established (e.g., the beneficiary is not working on a regular basis). This action deletes the issue. For more information on the CDR Development Worksheet (CDRW) screen, see DI 13010.605.

4. Work continues and TWP matures less than 3 months from the current operating month (COM)

Perform a medical file review (MFR) in accordance with DI 40510.040.

If a medical issue exists, follow DI 13010.012D to determine if protection from a medical review based on work activity applies.

5. Routing decisional documents

Fax all eWork documentation and any supporting work development into eView or Evidence Portal (EP). For a list of documents see DI 13010.025B.

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