TN 15 (11-02)

DI 13010.620 The CDR FO Input (IFOA) Screen

A. Procedure – When to use the IFOA Screen

The IFOA is restricted to field office inputs. Use the IFOA screen to update the DCF with status on an action.

B. Procedure – How to get to the IFOA Screen

To get to the IFOA screen enter 2, FO UPDATE, in the MCDR screen or access the open CDR action through the ECDR screen.

C. Reference – IFOA Screen

MSOM CDR 001.007

D. Procedure – Completing the IFOA Screen

Complete the IFOA to update or transfer the FO action.

  1. 1. 

    The DCF ID, SSN, and TYPE OF SELECTION fields will be propagated.

  2. 2. 

    The UNIT code will be propagated by the DCF but can be over-keyed to correct the individual unit code per office procedures.

  3. 3. 

    The SELECT EVENT TYPE field reflects the update action for this transaction. The possible EVENT TYPES are:

    • 1, TRANSFER CASE (CDR INITIATED/DIRECT RELEASE). Use this event type to transfer an initiated CDR or a direct release medical CDR to another office. This input requires an OFFICE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE NEXT ACTION code. Use this code to transfer an EXR approval to OCO/PSC (see DI 13050.000 for EXR procedures).

    • 2, TRANSFER CASE (WHEREABOUTS UNKNOWN/FAILURE TO COOPERATE). Use this event type to transfer a whereabouts unknown or failure to co-operate case to another office or to transfer the case to the DDS for a medical determination. This input requires an OFFICE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE NEXT ACTION code.

    • 3, WHEREABOUTS UNKOWN. Input this event type to update the DCF to create the whereabouts unknown event in the DCF. This input requires an OFFICE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE NEXT ACTION code.

    • 4, FAILURE TO COOPERATE. Input this event type to update the DCF to create the failure to cooperate event in the DCF. This input requires an OFFICE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE NEXT ACTION code.

    • 5, SSR/MBR/OTHER CONDITIONS – STOP CDR. Use this code to indicate that the CDR action is being terminated for miscellaneous reasons. Until future enhancements can be made, use this code to close T2WORK and EXR denial events when actions have been completed.

    • 6, 301 CASE – VOC REHAB. For SSDI cases use this code to indicate a Section 301 case. The individual is participating in a vocational rehabilitation program and payment of benefits may continue after a medical cessation by DDS. SSI cases are controlled by use of the VP diary. (See SM 01305.993)

    • 7, ASSISTANCE REQUEST. Use this code to request assistance from another office. This input requires an OFFICE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE NEXT ACTION code. When this event code is used two systems generated issues will be generated on the CDRW screen, see MSOM CDR 001.013 for information on the CDRW screen.

    • 8, DIRECT RELEASE NOTICE INITIATION. Use this code to indicate that notice has been sent on a direct release CDR case. Enter the appropriate date the notice was sent. This action is needed to document when the CDR was initiated.

  4. 4. 

    The OFFICE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE NEXT ACTION must be completed when transferring a file to another office. Enter the standard three-digit office code to where the file is being forwarded. This field is not required for event types 5 or 8. The DCF pre-fills the office code with the last code on record and must be over keyed with the proper office code if forwarding the action out of the office.

  5. 5. 

    Complete the SEND FOLDER TO ABOVE DESTINATION field with a Y entry if forwarding the folder with the action. This entry will link to the PCACS FOFM screen.

  6. 6. 

    Complete the SSNX field information contained on the bar code on the folder when transferring a folder.

  7. 7. 

    For EDCS exclusion cases, enter Y in the ESTABLISH DDS RECORD (Y/N) field if forwarding an action to a DDS.

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DI 13010.620 - The CDR FO Input (IFOA) Screen - 04/29/2016
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