Follow the procedures in DI 13005.025 Field Office (FO) Actions to Initiate a Continuing Disability Review (CDR), for contacting
the beneficiary or recipient and:
a. Check the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR), Supplemental Security Record (SSR),
and other FO records for address and telephone information.
b. Attempt phone contact with the beneficiary or recipient, any authorized person
on the record, and auxiliaries (Title II only) who are receiving benefits. Leave a
message if unable to speak with the beneficiary, recipient, or other contact.
c. Send an SSA-L2001, Address Information Request to the United States Postal Service (USPS) servicing
the mailing address of record unless USPS has returned mail as "undeliverable" or
"moved/left no forwarding address" and, at the same time,
d. Send a letter to the financial institution on record to request a current address
when direct deposit is involved.
e. Attempt to contact any interested party that may have contact with the beneficiary
or recipient based on leads in the folder, such as the payee (if one has been designated),
relatives, friends, landlord, employers, shelters for the homeless, city and state
welfare agencies, and any medical sources and institutions to which the beneficiary
or recipient was previously admitted to. Pursue any available leads.
f. Document all efforts to locate the beneficiary or recipient. Record all efforts
to locate the beneficiary or recipient on a SSA-5002 Report of Contact and save in eView for electronic cases, or Evidence Portal (EP)
for non-electronic claims and filed in the modular disability folder.
g. For special handling situations, follow the contact procedures in DI 13005.025C.2.
Documentation must include:
The event that initiated the CDR;
All efforts made to contact the beneficiary or recipient, including the dates and
results. For example, document contacts with the USPS, financial institutions, relatives,
employers, etc. (retain copies of the requested letters in the folder); and
Justification for the determination and cessation month (Title II) or suspension (Title
Refer to GN 02605.055 Title II Undeliverable Mail-Change of Address for undeliverable correspondence and
SI 02301.240 Whereabouts Unknown (S06) for more information.