TN 23 (01-25)

DI 13015.050 OCO/PSC Retrieving The Title II and Title II Portion of the Concurrent TII/TXVI CDR Folder/Medical Evidence

A. Overview – ADR Process

The CDR Direct Releases for Title II are run through the Automated Direct Release (ADR) Process. The process works as follows:

  1. 1. 

    Alerts for non-operational sites are printed for both the Megasite files operation and the National Records Center (commonly referred to as the Caves) folder locations in OCO and MAMPSC respectively. (See DI 13015.050A.6. for operational sites.)

  2. 2. 

    The Megasite/Caves storage facilities pull the TITLE II folders and mail them directly to the FOs of jurisdiction.

  3. 3. 

    If there is more than one folder at the Caves, all will be pulled and sent.

  4. 4. 

    The Megasite/Caves storage facilities will not associate folders from other locations. For example, if processing center action control system (PCACS) shows a folder in an operational site, such as, PSC module location, a folder in a Caves location, a folder in PC7 AUXRH location, the Caves will pull and send only the Caves location folder but not the other two. (Also see DI 13015.050A.6.)

  5. 5. 

    The ADR Process requests all Title II and the Title II portion of any concurrent Title II/XVI folders directly from either the Megasite or the Caves.

  6. 6. 

    Alerts for folders located in operational sites and components and the Chicago National Archive and Records Administration (NARA) storage facility are printed in the jurisdictional PC's. OCO and the PSCs are responsible for retrieving Title II folders for these alerts and mailing them to the FOs.

  7. 7. 

    The FO will retrieve folders from other locations (see DI 13015.050A.6.) if the Megasite/Caves folder does not contain the current medical evidence. Recall the Title II folder following normal PCACS procedures.

  8. 8. 

    OCO and the PSCs are also responsible for preparing a duplicate folder if the folder shown on PCACS cannot be located or has been destroyed. The duplicate folder will contain: a FACT, NUMI, copy of the earnings record, the direct release alert, documentation of search efforts (SSA-5002), and a SSA-5526-U2-OPS routing form which instructs the FO that folder reconstruction may be necessary. The PSC sends to the FO any folder material belonging to the NH located during the search even if it is not the complete folder containing the CPD medical evidence.

  9. 9. 

    Field Offices (FO) should NOT attempt to retrieve a Title II CDR folder prior to or during the initial pull period (not to exceed 90 days) . See DI 13015.050B. and DI 13015.050C. The Megasite and Caves facilities are contracted out so any additional paper generated through PCACS folder requests is not cost effective.

B. Definitions

1. Initial Pull Period

The elapsed time from the initial ADR selection as a direct release CDR to the end of Megasite/Caves and/or OCO/PSC search for the Title II or Title II portion of the concurrent Title II/XVI folder within their files. This period is not to exceed 90 days to complete.

2. Special Search Period

The elapsed time from the end of the initial pull period (not to exceed 90 days) in which OCO/PSC searches for the Title II or Title II portion of the concurrent Title II/XVI folder within other locations/files. This period is not to exceed 120 days to complete.

3. Duplicate Folder

The elapsed time from the end of the special search period (not to exceed 120 days) in which OCO/PCS prepares a duplicate folder and forwards it to the FO of jurisdiction. This period is not to exceed 15 working days to complete.

C. Process – Initial Pull Period - General

Direct Release CDR requests for Title II and the Title II portion of concurrent Title II/XVI medical folder(s) are routed through ADR in accordance with DI 13015.050A.

The Megasite/Caves will, with an exception, obtain all folders within their files for the requested record and forward them to the FO of jurisdiction.

Exception: If PCACS shows a folder in a operational site, such as PSC module location, a folder in a Caves location, a folder in PC7 AUXRH location, the Caves will pull and send only the Caves location folder, but not the other two.

OCO/PSC can take up to 90 days from the initial ADR process selection date to locate the Title II and or Title II portion of concurrent Title II/XVI folder for the CDR direct release.

If the Megasite/Caves cannot find the folder, the PC of jurisdiction is responsible for the special search and, if necessary, the preparation of a duplicate folder. See DI 13015.060.

If PCACS shows that no folder was created, the claim may be an electronic folder. Check eView or the Evidence Portal (EP) to see if there is an electronic disability folder. If an electronic disability folder exists, discard the alert and read the ACR FIN. If no electronic disability folder exists, prepare a new yellow six-part Modular Disability Folder (if available), with an original bar code label. Send the folder and the alert to the FO. Read the ACR FIN.

D. Procedure - TII Folder Now Reading in FO

  1. 1. 

    OCO/ PSC will forward the direct release alert to the FO of jurisdiction to search for the Title II folder.

  2. 2. 

    FO will locate the folder in accordance with DI 13015.055. FO follows DI 13005.030 if folder is found, and DI 13015.080 if folder is not found.

E. Procedure – Title II Folder Reading in DDS - OCO/PSC Actions

  1. 1. 

    OCO/PSC obtains a DDSQ to determine folder location.

  2. 2. 

    If still active in DDS, OCO/PSC verifies that a CDR is being performed. If yes, the direct release alert is discarded.

  3. 3. 

    If no, e.g., DDS is performing a Class Action Review, OCO/PSC informs the DDS contact of the intervening CDR. OCO/PSC forwards the direct release alert via FAX to the DDS.

F. Procedure - Folder Reading in ODAR, OIG, or OGC Location

The following are OCO/PSC actions if the folder(s) is in ODAR, OIG, or OGC:

  1. 1. 

    Obtains a query (e.g., OHAQ) to confirm the folder is still in ODAR, OIG or OGC.

    • If the case is still active in one of these locations, documents on the SSA-5002 (example see DI 13015.250).

    • Closes out the CDR on the Disability Control File (DCF) by selecting “8.SSR/MBR CONDITIONS–STOP CDR” on the CDR PC Input (IPCA) screen (see MSOM CDR 001.005 ).

    • Annotates in the remarks of the DCF that the CDR is not being pursued pending return of the folder from ODAR, OIG, or OGC.

    • Discards the direct release alert.

    • Will not tickle for return of the folder. Central Office monitors completion of all CDRs - no additional actions are needed.

  2. 2. 

    If the query, i.e., OHAQ, shows the folder is not active in ODAR, OIG or OGC, OCO/PSC will search for the folder in the new location reflected on the query.

  3. 3. 

    If unable to locate the folder(s), OCO/PSC will follow DI 40525.070.

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