Direct Release CDR requests for Title II and the Title II portion of concurrent Title
II/XVI medical folder(s) are routed through ADR in accordance with DI 13015.050A.
The Megasite/Caves will, with an exception, obtain all folders within their files
for the requested record and forward them to the FO of jurisdiction.
Exception: If PCACS shows a folder in a operational site, such as PSC module location, a folder
in a Caves location, a folder in PC7 AUXRH location, the Caves will pull and send
only the Caves location folder, but not the other two.
OCO/PSC can take up to 90 days from the initial ADR process selection date to locate
the Title II and or Title II portion of concurrent Title II/XVI folder for the CDR
direct release.
If the Megasite/Caves cannot find the folder, the PC of jurisdiction is responsible
for the special search and, if necessary, the preparation of a duplicate folder. See
DI 13015.060.
If PCACS shows that no folder was created, the claim may be an electronic folder.
Check eView or the Evidence Portal (EP) to see if there is an electronic disability
folder. If an electronic disability folder exists, discard the alert and read the
ACR FIN. If no electronic disability folder exists, prepare a new yellow six-part
Modular Disability Folder (if available), with an original bar code label. Send the
folder and the alert to the FO. Read the ACR FIN.