RM 01103.000 Tax Procedures

Subchapter Table of Contents
Section   Latest
RM 01103.001 Overview of Tax Procedures TN BASIC 02-95
RM 01103.003 SSA's Role in Support of Tax Laws TN BASIC 02-95
RM 01103.005 How to Handle Employment Tax Inquiries TN BASIC 02-95
RM 01103.007 Summary of Employer Duties - Tax Inquiries TN BASIC 02-95
RM 01103.009 Employer's Responsibility for Maintaining Employment Records TN BASIC 02-95
RM 01103.011 IRS/SSA Employer Education Activities TN BASIC 02-95
RM 01103.013 Employer Identification Numbers (EIN's) - General TN 1 09-23
RM 01103.015 Composition of the Employer Identification Number (EIN) TN BASIC 02-95
RM 01103.017 Assisting Employers and Reporting Entities to Apply for EIN's TN BASIC 02-95
RM 01103.019 IRS/SSA Processing of SS-4s TN BASIC 02-95
RM 01103.030 List of Tax Publications TN BASIC 02-95
RM 01103.032 Form I-9, “Employment Eligibility Verification” TN BASIC 02-95
RM 01103.034 Form W-4, “Employee's Withholding Allowance Certificate” TN BASIC 02-95
RM 01103.036 Form SS-4, “Application for Employer Identification Number” TN BASIC 02-95
RM 01103.038 Form SS-4PR (Spanish Version of SS-4) TN BASIC 02-95
RM 01103.042 Form W-5, Earned Income Credit Advance Payment Certificate TN BASIC 02-95
RM 01103.044 Form 940, Employer's Annual Federal Unemployment (FUTA) Tax Return (Original) TN 2 05-24

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