TN 102 (06-24)

RM 10205.195 FO Employee’s Signature on Form SS-5

Apply the instructions in this section only in the few situations when a field office (FO) employee completes a paper SS-5 to send to OCO for processing.

NOTE: Applications processed through SSNAP are electronically signed with the FO employee’s PIN.

In most instances, only the employee who reviews the evidence signs Form SS-5 in the DCL block.

However, two signatures are required when documents supporting the SSN application are verified with the issuing authority and a response is not immediately received.

A. Application can be cleared the same day documents are received

The employee reviewing the documents signs on the second line of the DCL block when documents submitted with Form SS-5 either require no verification, or verification is obtained immediately via an online query, such as SAVE, EVVE, or SSA-approved online access to State vital records.

B. Documents submitted with Form SS-5 must be verified with issuing authority

The FO employee who sends documents for verification signs Form SS-5 on the first line of the DCL block, including their title and date, and files the application in the pending file awaiting verification of documents.

C. Response to request for verification of documents received from issuing authority

The FO employee who reviews the verification from the issuing authority signs Form SS-5 on the second line in the DCL block, including their title and date. A second signature is required, even if the same employee signs on both lines.

If the issuing authority responds that the document is fraudulent, see Fraudulent Documents with SSN Application, RM 10205.305.

D. New (different) SSN requests

When the requirements for documentation for a new SSN in RM 10220.025 and documentation of the reason for needing a new SSN in RM 10220.030 are met, a supervisor or a member of management must also review and sign the application.

E. Reference

RM 10205.185B, Coding and Certifying an Application for an SSN Card, Paper SS-5 needed for manual processing.

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RM 10205.195 - FO Employee’s Signature on Form SS-5 - 06/14/2024
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