TN 129 (02-25)

GN 02406.137 General Status Requests for Payments

A. Introduction

This section provides instructions for Field Offices (FO), Teleservice Centers (TSC), Regional Offices (RO) and Processing Centers (PC) when general status requests for payment arise.

B. Procedure for Follow-up Request Process

Use the chart for guidance concerning follow-up and status requests.




FO and TSC

For assistance with routine cases, call the Department of the Treasury’s (Treasury) general number (855–868–0151).

For problem cases, contact the Regional Office (RO) or Processing Center (PC).

RO Analysts and PC Operations Analysis Staff (OAS)

Call Treasury's general number. Do not call the Treasury analysts on their direct telephone numbers. This ensures every request receives attention.

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GN 02406.137 - General Status Requests for Payments - 02/19/2025
Batch run: 02/19/2025