GN 03980.000 Conflict of Interest

Subchapter Table of Contents
Section   Latest
GN 03980.001 Conflict of Interest - General Statement TN 1 09-18
GN 03980.002 Bribery of Public Officials and Witnesses TN 1 09-18
GN 03980.005 Representation by Regular Federal Employees TN 2 05-24
GN 03980.010 Representation by Special Federal Employees TN 2 05-24
GN 03980.030 State Agency Disability Determination Employees - Federal Conflict of Interest TN 1 09-18
GN 03980.040 Representation by Former SSA Employees and Officials (Other than Senior Employees) TN 1 09-18
GN 03980.050 Representation by a Former Senior SSA Employee TN 1 09-18
GN 03980.070 SSA Employee as Applicant or Representative Payee TN 1 09-18
GN 03980.071 Avoiding Conflicting Financial Interests TN 2 05-24
GN 03980.075 Receiving Salary only from the United States TN 1 09-18
GN 03980.080 Possible Violation of Conflict-of-Interest Provisions TN 1 09-18

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GN 03980.000 - Conflict of Interest - Table of Contents - 05/17/2024
Batch run: 05/17/2024