TN 13 (02-12)

RS 00208.001 Mother/Father Definitions and Requirements

A. Definition

A mother/father is a deceased number holder’s (NH) widow(er) who has in-care an entitled child of the NH.

B. Policy for widow(er)s and deemed widow(er)s

For widow(er) policy, see RS 00207.001A.1.

For deemed widow(er) policy, see RS 00207.001A.3.

To determine marital status, see GN 00305.005

C. Policy requirements for entitlement to mother/father benefits

The claimant must meet all of the following:

  • be the widow(er) of a NH who died fully or currently insured;

  • not be married (for conditions under which remarriage is not a bar to entitlement, see RS 00208.035B);

  • have filed an application for mother's/father's insurance benefits;

    If the claimant was entitled to spouse's insurance benefits for the month before the month the NH died, no application is required.

  • not be entitled to widow(er)'s insurance benefits;

  • not be entitled to retirement insurance benefits (RIB) equal to or exceeding the amount of the unadjusted mother's/father's benefit; and

  • have in-care a child of the deceased NH entitled to a child's insurance benefit. For child-in-care requirements, see RS 00208.005.

For information on duration of marriage, see GN 00305.100. For information on relationship requirement for widow(er)’s, see RS 00207.001.

D. Policy for preclusions to entitlement

Even though a widow(er) meets the above requirements, entitlement is precluded if:

  • the claimant was convicted of the felonious and intentional homicide of the NH (For policy on forfeiture of entitlement, see GN 00304.060), or

  • the RRB has jurisdiction of the survivor's claim. (For instructions when RR employment is involved, see RS 00207.006C.)

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RS 00208.001 - Mother/Father Definitions and Requirements - 02/23/2012
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