A worker or employer who wishes to apply for a special exception writes to the designated
agency in the country where the worker wishes to remain covered. The letter should:
give all the information necessary to issue a certificate of coverage under the U.S.-Norwegian
agreement (see RS 02001.206); and
explain why a special exception should be granted.
Individuals wishing to request an exception granting U.S. coverage should write to
the following address:
Social Security Administration
Division of Training and Program
International Support Branch
P.O. Box 17741
Baltimore, MD 21235-7741
Fax: (410)
Request online: https://opts.ssa.gov
Individuals wishing to request an exception granting Norwegian coverage should write
to the address below:
NAV utland
Postboks 8138 Dep.
0033 Olso
Upon receipt of a request for a special exception, the agency that receives the request
will consider it in collaboration with the other country's agency. If both agencies
approve the request for a special exception, the agency that receives the request
will issue a certificate of coverage. The certificate of coverage will serve as proof
of exemption from coverage and taxes in the other country.