TN 1 (07-24)

DI 25210.015 Combined Effects of Multiple Impairments - Policy (Section 416.924a(b)(4))

If you have more than one impairment, we will sometimes be able to decide that you have a "severe" impairment or an impairment that meets, medically equals, or functionally equals the listings by looking at each of your impairments separately. When we cannot, we will look comprehensively at the combined effects of your impairments on your day-to-day functioning instead of considering the limitations resulting from each impairment separately. (See DI 25225.010 for more information about how we will consider the interactive and cumulative effects of your impairments on your functioning.)

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DI 25210.015 - Combined Effects of Multiple Impairments - Policy (Section 416.924a(b)(4)) - 07/02/2024
Batch run: 07/02/2024