We will consider the fact that you attend school, that you may be placed in a special
education setting, or that you receive accommodations because of your impairments
along with the other information in your case record. The fact that you attend school
does not mean that you are not disabled. The fact that you do or do not receive special
education services does not, in itself, establish your actual limitations or abilities.
Children are placed in special education settings, or are included in regular classrooms
(with or without accommodation), for many reasons that may or may not be related to
the level of their impairments. For example, you may receive one-to-one assistance
from an aide throughout the day in a regular classroom, or be placed in a special
classroom. We will consider the circumstances of your school attendance, such as your
ability to function in a regular classroom or preschool setting with children your
age who do not have impairments. Similarly, we will consider that good performance
in a special education setting does not mean that you are functioning at the same
level as other children your age who do not have impairments.