DI 34226.003 Genito-Urinary Listings from 01/06/86 to 09/05/05



  1. A. 

    Determination of the presence of chronic renal disease will be based upon the following factors:

    1. 1. 

      History, physical examination, and laboratory evidence of renal disease.

    2. 2. 

      Indications of its progressive nature or laboratory evidence of deterioration of renal function.

  2. B. 

    Renal transplant. The amount of function restored and the time required to effect improvement depend upon various factors including adequacy of post-transplant renal function, incidence of renal infection, occurrence of rejection crisis, presence of systemic complications (anemia, neuropathy, etc.) and side effects of corticosteriod or immuno-suppressive agents. A period of at least 12 months is required for the individual to reach a point of stable medical improvement.

  3. C. 

    Evaluate associated disorders and complications according to the appropriate body system listing.

106.01 Category of Impairments, Genito-Urinary

106.02 Chronic Renal Disease. With:

  1. A. 

    Persistent elevation of serum creatinine to 3 mg. per deciliter (100 ml.) or greater over at least 3 months; or

  2. B. 

    Reduction of creatinine clearance to 30 ml. per minute (43 liters/24 hours) per 1.73 m2 of body surface area at least 3 months, or

  3. C. 

    Chronic renal dialysis program for irreversible renal failure; or

  4. D. 

    Renal transplant. Consider under a disability for 12 months following surgery; thereafter, evaluate the residual impairment (see 106.00B).

106.06. Nephrotic Syndrome, with edema not controlled by prescribed therapy. And:

  1. A. 

    Serum albumin less than 2 gm./100 ml.; or

B. Proteinuria more than 2.5 gm./1.73 m2 /day.

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DI 34226.003 - Genito-Urinary Listings from 01/06/86 to 09/05/05 - 03/30/2015
Batch run: 10/13/2023