Basic (06-10)
DI 44005.015 Dispatching Joint Freeze Cases (Except 20/40 Allowance Cases)
After you finish processing the SSA-831, follow these steps for dispatching the case
to the Railroad Retirement Board (RRB).
Prepare a GLPSC-38 (Joint Freeze Transmittal)
Enter the Social Security Number.
Mark checkboxes as appropriate to indicate “agreement”, “disagreement”, area of disagreement,
Include any necessary remarks or medical development requests, citing Program Operations
Manual System (POMS) references as needed.
Staple the form to the freeze folder. Do not staple through or write on RRB’s bar
File the original SSA-831 in the freeze folder.
Paperclip the “Data” and “Folder” copies on top of the freeze folder, and dispatch
the folder to RRB.
The Great Lakes Program Service Center-Disability Processing Branch (GLPSC-DPB) control
clerks will separate the copies of the SSA-831 upon dispatch, and deliver the “Folder”
copies to the Central Intake Area for scanning into the paperless processing system,
as non-actionable documents.
Forward the data copy to the Wilkes-Barre DOC:
Wilkes-Barre Direct Operations Center
P O Box 8300
Wilkes-Barre PA 18767-8300
RRB will release the freeze allowance or denial notice for the joint freeze determinations.
Joint Freeze allowance - SSA-L810
Joint Freeze denial - SSA-L813.1