TN 11 (07-24)

DI 51501.025 Disposition of Subsequent Disability Applications

This section provides field office (FO) instructions for disposing of a subsequent disability application.

A. When to dispose of a subsequent disability application

The FO will dispose of a subsequent disability application if the claimant:

  • chooses to continue the appeal on the prior claim, or

  • does not respond to the Subsequent Disability Application notice within 15 days of the date of the notice.

B. FO actions

1. Application taken in MCS, MSSICS, or as an iClaim

a. Modernized Claims System (MCS) applications

Follow the Manual Clearance (MANC screen) procedures in MSOM MCS 020.004.

b. Modernized Supplemental Security Income Claims System (MSSICS) applications

  • Transmit a SSA-1719B (Supplemental Security Income Posteligibility Input) with a T50 code per SM 01801.110.

  • Reload the prior claim with the appeals segment. See MSOM MSSICS 020.003 through MSOM MSSICS 020.007 for descriptions of required appeal fields.

c. iClaim applications

Import the claim into MCS. Follow the MANC screen procedures in MSOM MCS 020.004.

NOTE: iClaim does not allow claimants to file a new disability application if the claimant has a prior claim below the Appeals Council (AC) level.

2. New disability report completed in EDCS

Take the following actions to close the new Electronic Disability Collect System (EDCS) segment.

  • Use the Update-After-Transfer (UAT) function on the AC appeals segment in EDCS to alert the AC there is additional evidence in the new EDCS segment;

  • Process a FO “No Determination” (ND); and

  • Select ND reason: “Misc Clearance” and add the remark, “Subsequent Disability Claim.”

NOTE: EDCS does not allow you to create a new segment when there is an EDCS segment for a prior claim below the AC level.

C. Related references

  • DI 51501.001 Procedural Change for Subsequent Disability Applications Effective July 28, 2011

  • DI 51501.005 Claimant Requests to File a New Disability Application

  • DI 51501.010 Field Office Actions on Subsequent Disability Applications

  • DI 51501.015 Claimant Submits Additional Evidence

  • DI 51501.020 Claimant Requests to Withdraw Pending Appeal

  • DI 51501.030 DDS Actions on Subsequent Disability Claims

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