The appropriate codes should be:
1 = if offset applies; or
1 = if offsettable PDB applies but the High ACE precludes offset; and
2 = if offset does not apply (Input only via MACADE or, if deleting WC/PDB Data, via
The code can be annotated in one of two ways:
In ICF WC by completing the CSPDB field on the WC/PDB OFFSET – DISPOSITION (WCDA)
screen, or
In MACADE via the Civil Service Payments (CS) screen (see SM 00842.028 MACADE CS Screen).
The Modernized Claims System (MCS) does not annotate the CSPDB code. Therefore, when
initial claims involving CSRS or offsettable FERS disability benefits are triggered
through MCS without an ICF entry, the processing center (PC) must take a MACADE action
in order to annotate the code.