TN 25 (05-95)

SI 00820.160 How to Treat Fluctuating Earned Income Which Never Exceeds $65/Month

A. Procedure

The following chart provides instructions for use when a person's total earned income for each month of the period being estimated never exceeds $65, but the amount fluctuates at or under that limit.

IF the individual(s)

is (are) an...

eligible individual with no spouse

enter a flat $65 with a continuing code.

EXAMPLE: An individual participates in a sheltered workshop program and receives $35 to $60 a month. Show the continuing amount as $65.

NOTE: During redeterminations of such cases, there is no need to correct the earned income entry for past periods as long as all income has continued to be at or under the $65 limit. See SI 00820.125 and SI 00820.140.

eligible couple

  • use the $65 entry, when both members have earned income, only if their combined earned income fluctuates at or below that limit.

  • enter the earned income data on the record of the one, if any, who is disabled. If both or neither is disabled, enter the data on the record of the one with the higher earned income.

  • follow the instructions for an eligible individual without a spouse when only one member of an eligible couple has earned income and it fluctuates at or below the $65 limit.

eligible individual with an ineligible spouse

  • use the $65 entry if only one person has earned income and it fluctuates within the $65 limit.

  • do not use the $65 entry if both persons have earned income.

NOTE: Limiting the use of this entry is necessary due to the mechanics of the deeming computation.

essential person

do not use the $65 entry for earned income of an essential person. We deem all of an essential person's income to be the qualified individual's unearned income.

B. Reference

Essential person deeming, SI 01320.800

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SI 00820.160 - How to Treat Fluctuating Earned Income Which Never Exceeds $65/Month - 05/04/1995
Batch run: 11/21/2013