At the written request of the purchaser a limited amount prepaid by the purchaser
may be designated as irrevocable. The Nebraska Burial Pre-Need Sale Act amended section
12-1106 of the Nebraska statutes to permit the first $4,000 to be designated as irrevocable
effective July 14, 2006. The statute also indicates the amount shall increase annually
on September 1 by the percentage change in the Consumer Price Index.
Effective September 1, 2016, the irrevocable pre-need amount is $4,978. Effective
September 1, 2017, the irrevocable pre-need amount increased to $5,031. The link to
a chart of all increases since 2006 and for future updates is at the Nebraska Department
of Health and Human Services website here.
Any interest or dividends accruing to such irrevocable agreement may also be irrevocable.