TN 3 (11-96)

SI 01410.020 Process for Determining the State and County of Residence

A. Introduction

Below is a chart you may use to help you develop the State and county of residence of a claimant or recipient when needed. The chart is general and will not resolve all issues. See SI 01410.030 for policy.

NOTE: Some terms used in the chart, such as “capable” and “incapable” have a special meaning for residency purposes. See SI 01410.030A. for the definitions of these terms.

B. Process

If a claimant or recipient is . . . And is . . . Then residence is

governed by . . .

1.  Capable

Not institutionalized

where the individual is living:

  • with intent to remain permanently or for an indefinite period, or

  • with a job commitment or seeking employment.



the placing State/county unless the SI 01410.030B.1 exception applies, then residence is where the individual lives. If not a placement, use where the individual is living with intent to remain permanently/indefinitely or where individual is living and entered with job commitment or seeking employment.

2.  Incapable

An institutionalized child

the placing State/county unless the SI 01410.030B.1 exception applies, then residence is where the individual lives. If not a placement, residence is that of parent, legal guardian, or applicant.


A child, not institutionalized

the residence of deemor or parent with control.


An institutionalized adult

the placing State/county unless the SI 01410.030B.1 exception applies, then residence is where the individual lives. If not a placement, residence of individual who filed application if institutionalized and incapable as a child. If institutionalized and incapable as an adult, and not a placement, where individual is living.


An adult, not institutionalized

where the individual is living.

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SI 01410.020 - Process for Determining the State and County of Residence - 11/26/2013
Batch run: 05/09/2019