TN 88 (11-23)

SI 02305.090 Developing Public Assistance Household - RZs

A. Introduction

This section provides procedures for developing recipient allegations about public assistance (PA) household during the RZ interview.

B. Description of RZs completed on MSSICS screens

Opening a “REDETERMINATION with or without RECAPs” event creates a MSSICS “path” that will guide the interviewer to the appropriate screens to document allegations and evidence relating to public assistance households.

C. Description of Form SSA-8202-BK

There is no question on the SSA-8202-BK specifically designed to uncover PA household issues.

D. Description of Form SSA-8203-BK - Question 8

Question 8 on Form SSA-8203-BK — Do all of the people who live with you receive public assistance payments?

E. Procedure Form SSA-8203-BK-Question 8

Skip Question 8 of the SSA-8203-BK if the recipient's permanent residence is an institution or they live alone.

Develop allegations about public assistance households, as follows:

1. If recipient alleges no change in public assistance

If the recipient alleges no change in public assistance household status and other information agrees, do not develop PA household further.

If someone other than a spouse, child (as defined in SI 00501.010) or person whose income may be deemed lives with the recipient and it is not a PA household:


For RZs done on a SSA-8203-BK, an SSA-8006-F4 is not required if the recipient has home ownership or rental liability, and the other members of the household do not contribute to household expenses per SI 00835.340D.

If the only members of a household who do not receive public assistance payments are children subject to an AFDC/TANF payment cap, development of inside ISM is not required per SI 00835.340B.2.b.

2. If recipient alleges a change in public assistance

If the recipient alleges a change in public assistance household status or no change and the information conflicts, develop PA household per SI 00835.130, as necessary.

F. References

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SI 02305.090 - Developing Public Assistance Household - RZs - 11/30/2023
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