TN 10 (05-24)

HI 00901.045 Health Insurance Card - Policy

Each individual who becomes entitled to either Part A or Part B, or both, is issued a HI card (CMS-1966). The card provides the beneficiary with evidence of entitlement and the claim number to be used when covered services are provided. To facilitate the identification of beneficiaries who enclose the tear-off portion of the card in correspondence with SSA, the claim number is duplicated above the address.

The card has an important part in the claims processing procedure. The information contained on the card, i.e., name, claim number, and entitlement, must be recorded and transmitted from the beneficiary/provider to the carrier/intermediary to the HI master tape and returned with accuracy. The transmission of erroneous data interferes with the accurate and timely processing of claims and updating of the HI master tape.

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HI 00901.045 - Health Insurance Card - Policy - 05/28/2024
Batch run: 05/28/2024