TN 2 (12-21)

NL 10601.225 Are Notices Available in Other Languages?

Most of our notices are currently available in Spanish.  Spanish is the second most common language in the United States after English. Since the mid–1990's, as we write new notice language, we routinely translate it into Spanish.

We issue notices in Spanish because roughly 20 percent of our non-English-speaking beneficiaries speak Spanish. This percentage is substantial when compared to the next largest single language group of non-English-speaking beneficiaries at 3 percent. 

We do not issue notices in any other languages.  Letters and notices sent to a person outside the United States are generally in English. 

However, as a long-term goal, we continue to assess the need to produce notices in languages other than English and Spanish.

Select the PDF link below to access the "Multi-language Letter Insert ” to include with any manually prepared notice whenever it appears a language barrier or difficulty may exist.

The insert reads, “This is a very important letter from Social Security. Please read it carefully. If you cannot read English, please take this letter to someone who can read it to you right away, or contact Social Security for free help.”


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NL 10601.225 - Are Notices Available in Other Languages? - 12/20/2021
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