TN 92 (04-24)

RM 10205.010 When to Consider an Application for an SSN Card Filed

An application for an SSN card is filed when one of the following occurs:

  • the field office (FO) interviews the proper applicant in person, all personal and evidentiary data is captured electronically in SSNAP, the proper applicant reviews a summary of the information provided, and the FO electronically documents the applicant’s attestation;

  • the proper applicant completes and signs a paper Form SS-5 and submits the required evidence (including having the mandatory in-person interview, when required);

  • parents of newborns sign the birth registration form at the hospital to register their child's birth and they indicate on the form that they also want an SSN assigned to the child; or

  • SSA receives data transmitted by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) for aliens requesting enumeration through Enumeration at Entry (EAE) and Enumeration Beyond Entry.

  • The iSSNRC applicant has submitted their online application and received the iSSNRC system generated response “Your request has been received”.


  • RM 10205.025 - Proper Applicant for a Social Security Card

  • RM 10205.110 - Mandatory In-Person Interview for SSN Applicants Age 12 or Older

  • RM 10205.505 - Enumeration at Birth Process

  • RM 10205.600 - Enumeration at Entry

  • RM 10205.630 - Internet SSN Replacement Cards (iSSNRC) Policy

  • RM 10205.700 - Enumeration Beyond Entry

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RM 10205.010 - When to Consider an Application for an SSN Card Filed - 04/01/2024
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