TN 68 (09-22)

RM 10205.092 Returning Documents Submitted for an SSN Card

Citations: 20 CFR 422.103

A. Policy for returning documents submitted for an SSN card

Return all evidence documents to the applicant. When documents must be verified by the issuing agency, make clear photocopies of the documents to keep with the pending SSN application. For additional information on the “Suspect Status” holding file, refer to RM 10215.015.

DO NOT confiscate an applicant’s evidentiary documents even if the documents appear suspicious or are believed to be fraudulent.

If suspect documents are submitted, enter the application into SSNAP and verify them with the issuing agency following RM 10210.200. If the issuing agency cannot verify the documents, deny the SSN application and, as appropriate, make fraud referrals to Office of Inspector General (OIG).

See Details:

  • RM 10205.300, Suspect Documents with SSN Application

  • RM 10205.305, Fraudulent Documents with SSN Application

  • GN 04111.000, Reporting Program Violations — Subchapter Table of Contents

B. How to return documents submitted for an SSN card

If the applicant submits the evidence in the office, return the evidence documents to the applicant and notify the applicant about:

  • processing time for issuing a card, and

  • contacting SSA if the card is not received within that timeframe.

If the applicant submits the evidence by mail or drop box, return evidence documents to the applicant by mail, using the SSNAP receipt.

  • If SSNAP is unavailable, use form SSA-2880 Returning Documents Submitted w/SS-5, available on the Document Processing System DPS Production. For additional information on form SSA-2880, see RM 00299.070.

NOTE: If a third-party submits evidence along with form SS-5, follow procedures in RM 10205.059, Third Party Brings Form SS-5 into the Field Office (FO).

C. References

  • GN 00301.210, SSA Purchase of Evidence

  • RM 10201.075, Handling Social Security Number (SSN) Cards Received in the Field Office (FO)

  • RM 10205.080, SSN Inquiry or Application Received for an Applicant Living Abroad

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