TN 47 (12-23)

RM 10210.810 Obsolete Forms I-688, I-668A and I-688B, Employment Authorization Documentation

A. Elimination of the Forms I-688, I-688A, and I-688B

In October 2009, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced that the following I-688s were all expired and they would no longer verify the alien information found these forms

  • I-688 (Temporary Resident Card)

  • I-688A (Employment Authorization Card)

  • I-688B (Employment Authorization Card).

Further, on December 1, 2009, DHS removed the forms from the list of acceptable documents found in the Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements (SAVE) I-MAIN Production and the SAVE Initial Verification document list.

Based on the DHS decision

  • in December 2009, SSA updated SSNAP and SS-5 Assistant to remove the I-688s as evidence options; and

  • on January 6, 2010, SSA instructed the FOs to no longer accept any variation of the I-688 as evidence for age, identity, or work-authorized lawful alien status for an SSN.

See Also:

RM 10211.420, for I-766, Employment Authorization Document, the only acceptable employment authorization document

B. Procedure when an applicant submits an I-688 or I-688A or I-688B as evidence for an SSN card

If an applicant submits:

  • an expired I-688 – request the applicant to submit other acceptable evidence per existing procedures.

  • an unexpired I-688 – consider fraud development per existing procedures

C. DHS history of and SSA use of the Forms I-688, I-688A, and I-688B

IMPORTANT: This subsection is intended solely for historical purposes. SSA stopped accepting all I-688s (I-688, I-688A, I-688B, and I-688 EXT) on January 6, 2010. Effective with that date, the I-766 is the only acceptable employment authorization document. Any information in this subsection applies only to SSN applications received prior to that date.

See Also:

  • RM 10210.815, the I-688 EXT, Employment Documentation Authorization Label

  • RM 10211.001B, why DHS created and issued various I-688s.

1. Description of forms I-688, I-688A, and I-688B

IMPORTANT: As of January 6, 2010, SSA no longer accepts any variation of the I-688. The following is intended solely for historical purposes.

a. I-688

The Form I-688, Temporary Resident Card, was a laminated card that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) issued to legalized aliens and special agricultural workers (SAWS) whose status was adjusted to lawful temporary resident (LTR). An I-688 issued to a SAWS individual included an annotation that the status was granted pursuant to section 210 of the INA. In change of status cases, when the individual applied for and was granted lawful permanent residence (LPR), DHS placed a label (I-688 EXT) on the back of the I-688 to use until the I-551 is issued.

b. I-688A

The Form I-688A, Employment Authorization Card, was a card that DHS issued to aliens who had filed to adjust their status to LTR.

c. I-688B

The Form I-688B, Employment Authorization Document (EAD), was a laminated card DHS issued to nonimmigrants as evidence of employment authorization. It replaced the “employment authorization” annotation previously placed on other DHS documents.

Under the alternate evidence of LPR status policy, the face of the I-688B card included one of the following (status indicated in parenthesis) Provisions of Law

  • 274(A).12(A)(3) (REFUGEE)

  • 274(A).12(A)(4) (PAROLEE)

  • 274(A).12(A)(5) (ASYLEE)

  • 274(A).12(A)(6) (FIANCEE- K1/CHILD - K2)

  • 274(A).12(A)(9) (SPOUSE/CHILD OF USC)

  • 274(A).12(A)(15) (LPR DEPENDENT – V)

  • 274(A).12(A)(16) (VSFT/T)

  • 274(A).12(C)(9) (ADJUSTMENT APPLICANT)

  • 274(A).12(C)(16) (ADJ APP - RES 1972)

  • 274(A).12(C)(25) (VSFT/T DEPENDENT

2. Policy for Evidence of Temporary Resident Status and Employment Authorization

IMPORTANT: As of January 6, 2010, SSA no longer accepts any variation of the I-688. The following policy applied only prior to that date.

a. Form I-688A (Employment Authorization Card)

DHS first issued Form I-688A to each legalization and SAW applicant at the initial interview prior to forwarding the legalization application to another DHS facility for a final determination. DHS now issues the I-688A only to class members of two ongoing lawsuits, Catholic Social Services v. Barr and League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) v. INS.

b. Form I-688 (Temporary Resident Card)

DHS issued Form I-688 to legalization applicants and SAWs when it approved their applications and granted temporary resident status. The I-688 issued to legalization applicants (Section 245A of the INA) is valid for 31 months from the issue date. The I-688 issued to SAWs (Section 210 of the INA) is valid for three years from the issue date.

3. Description of Obsolete Forms

IMPORTANT: As of January 6, 2010, SSA no longer accepts any variations of the I-688. The following descriptions were in applicable prior to that date.

a. Form I-688A (Employment Authorization Card)

Form I-688A is a laminated card with the DHS seal imbedded in the laminate. The words “EMPLOYMENT AUTHORIZATION” are shown on a red header and the words “U.S. Department of Justice Immigration and Naturalization Service” are shown on a yellow header. “Form I-688A May 87” is printed in red on the right margin. A three letter DHS code is printed vertically on the right side of the alien's photograph. An outline of the continental U.S. is printed in red on the back of the card.

The issue date of the card coincides with the date the alien filed their application for legalization. The I-688A is valid for one year from the issue date.

See the Administrative-Confidential Memorandum . This publication is available online at

NOTE: DHS will extend the expiration date with a 90-day OR a one year extension sticker on the back of the card. If the expiration date has passed on the card, the alien should be referred to DHS. The SSN application should not be processed.

b. Form I-688 (Temporary Resident Card)

Form I-688 is a laminated card with the DHS seal imbedded in the laminate. The words “TEMPORARY RESIDENT” are shown on a green header and “U.S. Department of Justice Immigration and Naturalization Service” are shown on a yellow header. “Form I-688 May 87” is printed in green on the right margin. A three-character DHS code is printed vertically on the right side of the alien's photograph. An outline of the continental U.S. is printed in green on the back of the card.

See the Administrative-Confidential Memorandum for a more complete description and the booklet, “A Guide to Selected U.S. Travel and Identity Documents”, for a color facsimile of the I-688. This publication is available online at

NOTE: Some I-688s issued to SAWs may have one or more stickers on the back authorizing a one-year extension of the expiration date. The sticker is black with the words “I-688 VALIDITY EXTENDED ONE YEAR FROM THE DATE OF EXPIRATION” printed in optical variable ink.

4. Exhibits of Obsolete Forms I-688A and I-688

IMPORTANT: As of January 6, 2010, SSA no longer accepts any variation of the I-688. The following exhibits were acceptable prior to that date.

Fronts (Various versions):


5. SSA’s evidence requirements for I-688A or I-688 prior to their elimination

IMPORTANT: As of January 6, 2010, SSA no longer accepts any variation of the I-688. The following evidence requirements were acceptable prior to that date.

a. General

With the exception of those aliens who are class members of the two class action law suits, DHS issued I-688s to legalization applicants and SAWs when it approved their applications. Many legalized aliens and SAWs have also applied for and been granted permanent resident status.

b. Evidence

IMPORTANT: A temporary resident (i.e.; legalized alien or a SAW) applying for a replacement SSN card must provide their I-688A or I-688 to establish alien status and identity.

REMINDER: : If the alien does not have an SSN and is now applying for an original SSN card, they must present an I-688A or I-688 to establish alien status and identity and at least one other document to establish age.

6. SSA’s procedure for completing the SS-5 Assistant SSN application prior to their elimination

IMPORTANT: As of January 6, 2010, SSA no longer accepts any variation of the I-688. The following procedures were acceptable prior to that date.

Complete Form SS-5 as directed below:

a. Checking the Authenticity of the I-688A and I-688

Pay particular attention to the authenticity of the I-688A or I-688 presented. Compare it to the exhibits in C. above, the guidelines in the Administrative-Confidential Memorandum , and the example in the booklet, “A Guide to Selected U.S. Travel and Identity Documents”. This publication is available online at Follow the procedure in RM 10210.210 and RM 10205.305 for suspect/fraudulent documents.

b. Completing the SS-5

Have the alien check the “Legal Alien Allowed to Work” block in item 3 (Citizenship).

c. Coding and Certification

Follow RM 10205.185 to code the SS-5.

  • Do not make any entry in the NPN field.

  • Enter “N” in the PRA block.

  • In the “Evidence Submitted” block properly record all evidence submitted. In addition to the DHS form number (i.e., I-688A or I-688) enter the alien registration number (A#).

REMINDER: If the applicant is age 12 or older and is now applying for an original SSN, conduct an in-person interview. Follow the interviewing guides in RM 10205.112.

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