TN 72 (07-23)

GN 00605.005 PC and FO Responsibilities For Accounting

A. Introduction

When WBDOC cannot “approve” an accounting report because it contains unacceptable responses, etc., the PC or FO develops the case to completion. In addition, PCs and FOs are responsible for many other aspects of payee accounting.

REMINDER: This section describes how accounting reports generally are handled by the different components. However, procedures throughout this subchapter apply to the entire audience, unless otherwise specified.

B. Process

1. PC Duties and Responsibilities

The PCs:

  1. a. 

    Receive actionable accounting reports from WBDOC to resolve blank, discrepant and unacceptable responses through DIRCON or FO development.

  2. b. 

    Input title II conserved funds (see GN 00605.050B.1.) if the amount changed after PC development or WBDOC indicates that they did not enter (see GN 00605.040B).

  3. c. 

    Request the FO input (or delete) title XVI (and concurrent) conserved funds as appropriate.

    EXAMPLE: The PC develops the “use of benefit” questions on the SSA-623-OCR-SM accounting report. The payee reports they used all ($4,000) of the benefits (i.e., $3,900 = total benefits paid plus $100 = conserved funds as reported on last year's accounting form) for the beneficiary's current needs; there are no (zero) conserved funds. The FO must delete the $100 from the CF field in the REPY segment of the SSR so that the accounting report for the next accounting cycle shows “zero” conserved funds in Item 3.

  4. d. 

    Clear the title II system control if the accounting report was not processed by WBDOC (see GN 00605.050B.1.).

  5. e. 

    “Approve” completely processed accounting reports (e.g., unacceptable response was resolved). Stamp/mark the report APPROVED, sign and date.

  6. f. 

    Retain “approved” accounting reports (see GN 00605.055B).

  7. g. 

    Correct payee coding and/or mailing address on the MBR and eRPS.

  8. h. 

    Review the collective account precedent file in eRPS (see MS 07418.004 and MS 07418.006). FO development is required if the payee has a collective savings/checking account but the payee is not listed on the precedent file.

2. FO Duties and Responsibilities

The FOs:

  1. a. 

    Respond to PC requests for assistance to resolve unacceptable responses, etc. on the accounting reports.

  2. b. 

    Input title II conserved funds (see GN 00605.050B) if the amount changed after FO development.

  3. c. 

    Input (or delete) title XVI (and concurrent) conserved funds (see GN 00605.050B).

    EXAMPLE: The PC develops the “use of benefit” questions on the SSA-623-OCR-SM accounting report. The payee reports they used all ($4,000) of the benefits (i.e., $3,900 = total benefits paid plus $100 = conserved funds as reported on last year's accounting form) for the beneficiary's current needs; there are no (zero) conserved funds. The FO must delete the $100 from the CF field in the REPY segment of the SSR so that the accounting report for the next accounting cycle shows “zero” conserved funds in Item 3 (see SM 01301.475).

  4. d. 

    Process the accounting reports to completion when the payee comes into the FO and requests assistance (see GN 00605.030B.3.). Clear the title II system and title XVI (and concurrent) AR diary control and input reported conserved funds (see GN 00605.050B).

  5. e. 

    Process the nonresponder alerts to completion (see GN 00605.085). Clear the title II system and title XVI (and concurrent) AR diary control and input reported conserved funds (see GN 00605.050B.).

  6. f. 

    Conduct face-to-face interviews with the payee, beneficiary and custodian (if appropriate) to complete a Representative Payee Evaluation Report, SSA-624-F5, when necessary (see GN 00605.100).

  7. g. 

    “Approve” completely processed accounting reports (e.g., unacceptable response was resolved). Stamp/mark the report APPROVED, sign and date.

  8. h. 

    Forward “approved” accounting reports to the appropriate PC for retention (see GN 00605.055B).

  9. i. 

    Correct payee coding and/or payee mailing address and/or beneficiary residence address on the SSR/MBR/eRPS.

  10. j. 

    Inspect the records of institutions, agencies and individual payees with approved collective savings/checking accounts every 3 years (e.g., in conjunction with a scheduled site visit or random review under the Expanded Monitoring Program) to ensure compliance with the criteria described in GN 00603.020. Establish new payees with approved collective savings/checking accounts to the collective account precedent file in RPS, update existing data via an alert process, delete and query as appropriate (see MS 07418.002).

C. References

  • DIRCON procedures, GN 01070.000

  • PC requests for FO assistance, MS 04909.005

  • PC requests for FO assistance, MS 04909.013

  • Correct title XVI payee coding, SM 01301.625

  • Correct eRPS and MBR payee coding, MS 07419.005 and MS 07420.001

  • Establish Collective Accounts, MS 07418.002

  • Search to View or Update Collective Accounts, MS 07418.004

  • View/Edit Collective Account, MS 07418.006

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