RS 01404.000 Wage Development

Subchapter Table of Contents
Section   Latest
RS 01404.001 Wage Development - Introduction TN 3 11-94
RS 01404.003 Wage Development Policy TN 14 08-11
RS 01404.005 Lag Period – and Lag Earnings TN 35 01-24
RS 01404.018 Evidence of Lag Wages TN 27 01-24
RS 01404.105 Examining the E/R for Accuracy TN 36 01-24
RS 01404.110 Pre-lag Development and Documentation Requirements for Resolving Earnings Record Inaccuracies TN 40 02-24
RS 01404.120 Gap Development TN 39 01-24
RS 01404.140 Development of Possible Erroneous or Duplicate Postings TN 42 07-24
RS 01404.160 Wage Reporting Problem – National Wage Reporting Problem System (WRPS) TN 37 01-24
RS 01404.175 Forms W-2/W-2c as Evidence of Prelag Wages TN 3 11-94
RS 01404.180 Employer Prepared Wage Statement as Evidence of Prelag Wages TN 3 11-94
RS 01404.200 Reporting Practices of Uniformed Services TN 3 11-94
RS 01404.205 Developing Wage Information for Members of Uniformed Services - General TN 34 01-24
RS 01404.210 Request for Wage Information - Army or Air Force Reservists TN 32 01-24
RS 01404.215 Request for Wage Information - Members of Army and Air National Guard TN 3 11-94
RS 01404.220 Developing Prelag Wages for Members of Uniformed Services TN 3 11-94
RS 01404.225 Establishing Military Wages Based on Proof of Military Service TN 41 04-24
RS 01404.230 When DMW Credits May/May Not Be Granted TN BASIC 12-89
RS 01404.235 Development and Documentation of Deemed Wages - Internment TN 3 11-94
RS 01404.240 Reopening Claim - OPM Use/Nonuse of Internment Credits TN 7 12-98
RS 01404.250 Prohibitions Against Crediting Quarters of Coverage as stated in the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2008 and the Omnibus Appropriations Act of 2009 [P.L. 111-8] ("Ensign Amendment") TN 31 01-24
RS 01404.252 Request for Earnings Records (E/R) Corrections in FY 09 in Cases Where the NH Worked and Had Earnings Under Another SSN TN 38 01-24
RS 01404.254 Determining OIG Referrals and Conviction Status in regard to the "Ensign Amendment" TN 30 01-24
RS 01404.256 Processing "Ensign" Claims TN 26 10-23
RS 01404.258 Processing Request for Earnings Records (E/R) Corrections After a Disallowance Based on the "Ensign Amendment" TN 33 01-24
RS 01404.260 Denial Notice in "Ensign" Cases TN 28 01-24
RS 01404.300 Maximum Contribution of Social Security Employment Taxes Paid By Employee TN 22 03-22
RS 01404.305 History of Federal Minimum Wage Rates Under the Fair Labor Standards Act 1938-1996 TN 7 12-98
RS 01404.310 Where to Obtain Information on Wages and Employment for Members of Uniformed Services TN BASIC 12-89
RS 01404.315 Addresses of State Adjutants General and PSSO's TN BASIC 12-89
RS 01404.320 Sample Request to a State Adjutant - General for Wage Information for Members of National Guard TN 5 09-97
RS 01404.340 Form SSA-L4157, Request for Earnings Information TN 1 06-91

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