Special Issues

Chapter Table of Contents
DI 23001.000 Capability
DI 23003.000 Contagious Disease
DI 23005.000 Whereabouts Unknown
DI 23007.000 Failure to Cooperate
DI 23010.000 Failure to Follow Prescribed Treatment
DI 23015.000 Withdrawal/Claimant Does Not Wish to Pursue Claim
DI 23020.000 Priority Cases
DI 23022.000 Processing Quick Disability Determination (QDD) and Compassionate Allowances (CAL) in the Disability Determination Services (DDS)
DI 23030.000 Suicide/Homicide
DI 23040.000 Foreign Language Interpreters
DI 23045.000 Translations of Foreign-Language Documents
DI 23050.000 Medicare
DI 23060.000 Evidence from Excluded Medical Sources of Evidence

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