TN 7 (06-24)

DI 25020.005 Physical Limitations

A. Policy

1. Climbing and balancing

  1. a. 

    As a general rule, a small degree of limitation (e.g., the person retains the capacity to ascend and descend ramps and stairs but cannot maintain balance on a ladder) would not significantly impact on any range(s) of work.

  2. b. 

    Climbing and balancing can be critical in certain specific types of occupations (e.g., occupations that require climbing ladders, ropes, poles, etc.).

2. Fingering and feeling

  1. a. 

    Fingering is needed to perform most unskilled sedentary jobs and to perform certain skilled and semiskilled jobs at all levels of exertion.

  2. b. 

    The mere ability to feel the size, shape, temperature, or texture of an object by the fingertips, is a function required in very few jobs.

  3. c. 

    A loss of fine manual dexterity narrows the sedentary and light ranges of work more than it does the medium, heavy, and very heavy ranges of work.

3. Hearing

  1. a. 

    The inability to hear, because it vitally affects communication, may (depending upon the extent of hearing loss) significantly impinge on all range(s) of work.

  2. b. 

    There are many possible medical variables of hearing loss, and thus, the exact type and degree of loss must be considered.

  3. c. 

    The overall impact of a hearing loss (or a degree of hearing loss) also depends upon the type of occupations being considered.

EXAMPLE: Certain degrees of hearing loss may preclude the performance of some occupations that require good hearing (e.g., bus driver) without precluding the performance of other occupations (e.g., printing press operator).

4. Kneeling and crawling

  1. a. 

    Kneeling and crawling are relatively rare activities even in arduous work.

  2. b. 

    Limitations in kneeling and crawling, in themselves, would have very little impact on the sedentary, light, and medium occupational bases.

  3. c. 

    A limitation(s) may affect the ability to perform certain specific occupations (e.g., a carpet layer).

5. Loss of use of an upper extremity

  1. a. 

    Loss of use of an upper extremity greatly impinges on the unskilled sedentary occupational base, since such jobs usually require good use of the hands.

  2. b. 

    Loss of use of an upper extremity would reduce the total number of unskilled occupations within the person's RFC to a little more than the number represented by the full range of sedentary work.

  3. c. 

    Amputation above the elbow may reduce the effectiveness in use of the other hand due to the loss of bimanual manipulation and difficulty in handling or inability to handle bulky objects.

  4. d. 

    Amputation below the elbow or partial loss of use of the extremity requires consideration of:

    • the condition of the remaining stump;

    • the person's ability to use a prosthesis; and

    • the person's remaining ability for fine and gross manipulation.

6. Medically-necessary hand-held assistive device

See SSR 96-9p Determining Capacity To Do Other Work - Implications of a Residual Functional Capacity for Less Than a Full Range of Sedentary Work.

7. Need to alternately sit and stand

See SSR 96-9p Determining Capacity To Do Other Work - Implications of a Residual Functional Capacity for Less Than a Full Range of Sedentary Work.

8. Reaching and handling

  1. a. 

    Reaching and handling are required in almost all jobs.

  2. b. 

    Significant limitations in reaching and handling may eliminate large numbers of occupations a person could otherwise perform.

  3. c. 

    Depending upon the degree of limitation—limitations in reaching and handling may significantly impinge on any range of work.

9. Stooping and crouching

  1. a. 

    Some stooping is required to do almost any kind of work.

  2. b. 

    Only occasional stooping and no crouching is required to perform most sedentary and light occupations. For the definition of “occasionally,” see DI 25001.001A.53.

  3. c. 

    The ability to frequently stoop and crouch is required to perform most medium, heavy, and very heavy occupations because of the lifting requirements involved. For the definition of “frequently,” see DI 25001.001A.33.

  4. d. 

    No crouching is required to perform most sedentary or light work.

10. Visual

  1. a. 

    Given only a visual impairment, a substantial occupational base will usually be found for a person who:

    • retains sufficient visual acuity to handle and work with rather large objects, and

    • has the visual fields necessary to avoid ordinary hazards in the workplace.

  2. b. 

    Even if the criteria in “a.” above are met, however, a finding of disabled could be appropriate in a few rare instances in which the claimant's profile is extremely adverse, e.g., when the claimant:

    • is closely approaching retirement age,

    • has limited or less education,

    • has no transferable skills, and

    • has essentially a lifetime commitment to a field of work in which good vision is essential.

    This would be adjudicated under the lifetime commitment medical-vocational profile (see DI 25010.001B.3.)

B. Procedures

When appropriate, consult a vocational specialist to determine the effects of a particular limitation on the range(s) of work or particular occupation(s) being considered. For more information on vocational specialists, see DI 25003.001.

C. References

  • DI 24510.000 Residual Functional Capacity (RFC)

  • DI 25001.001 Medical and Vocational Quick Reference Guide

  • SSR 96-9p Determining Capacity to Do Other Work - Implications of a Residual Functional Capacity for Less Than a Full Range of Sedentary Work

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