TN 8 (09-24)

DI 28057.045 Expedited Reinstatement and Initial Claim Filed for the Same Benefit

A. Background

Most individuals who meet the requirements for EXR also meet the requirements to file a new initial claim. The field office (FO) technician discuss the filing considerations in DI 13050.020. The individual must decide which claim they wish to pursue. While an individual may insist on filing both a new initial claim and a request for EXR at the same time, we can only process one claim allowance.

B. Field Office (FO) procedures for sending the cases to the Disability Determination Services (DDS)

Due to systems limitation, an EXR and an initial claim with the same claim type are multiple pending cases (MPC's) and are excluded from processing in Electronic Disability Collect System (EDCS). The FO takes the following actions to process the case:

  • Establish initial claim in EDCS.

  • Add a message to EDCS indicating that a paper EXR exists.

  • Upload any documents that apply to both the electronic and the paper claim in eView.

  • Create a modular disability folder (MDF) for the EXR.

  • File the documents that pertain solely to the EXR in the MDF.

  • Update the paper folder indicator (PFI) in EDCS stating that a paper folder has been created for this filing, see DI 81010.085;

  • Transfer EDCS to DDS.

  • Print an EDCS routing form for the MDF; add remarks “EDCS exclusion-associate with EDCS case transferred on MM/DD/YYYY".

  • Mail the paper MDF to DDS.

NOTE: EXRs and initial claims with different claim types can be loaded as an MPC in EDCS. For example, an EXR Childhood Disability Benefit (CDB) claim and an initial disability (DIB) claim can be loaded into EDCS as an MPC. If the EXR claim is filed simultaneously with an initial claim on the same individual, for the same benefit, follow locally established DDS receipt and clearance procedures. It may be possible to sequentially complete the actions (for example, receipt the EXR, complete that claim in the system, then receipt the initial claim and complete the initial claim). If the EXR and initial claim for the same benefit must be processed simultaneously rather than sequentially, the EXR claim is an EDCS exclusion and must revert to paper processing.

C. DDS procedures for case processing

When DDS receives the cases from the FO, process as follows:

  • Adjudicate the initial application or reconsideration following normal procedures per DI 26500.000. Adjudicate the EXR request or reconsideration following DI 28057.020.

  • Print documentation that pertains solely to the excluded claim (for example, SSA-831 and determination notice), and associate these items in the MDF for FO adjudication after making a determination.

  • Upload any documents that apply to both the electronic and the paper claim in eView.

  • Return the electronic and paper portions of the case to the FO.

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DI 28057.045 - Expedited Reinstatement and Initial Claim Filed for the Same Benefit - 09/04/2024
Batch run: 02/27/2025