TN 10 (03-23)

DI 28095.005 Types of Continuing Disability Review (CDR) Notices

A. Computer generated notices

The Social Security Administration (SSA) computer system uses coding paragraph identifiers, which produce most of the disability notices. Prepare a manual notice when the system cannot generate a notice. See additional instructions on manual notices within this section.

B. Manual notices

Manual notices may consist of a form, dictated letter or model letter on SSA letterhead. In some cases (such as a personalized notice), you may need attachments (riders) if there is insufficient space on the form for the required information. Prepare manual notices using the appropriate system and provide clarity of content for the reader. When composing a manual notice, use appropriate language from stock paragraphs, exhibit letters or model letters. If you need information tailored to a disabled individual's circumstances but it is not in the stock language, follow the general style of similar approved language. Phrases used in stock language are generally related to elements in the law and are not discretionary.

C. When to prepare a manual notice

The disability determination service (DDS) will prepare a manual notice when:

  1. 1. 

    The DDS ceased the CDR case. (Personalized paragraphs cannot be merged with the paragraphs on SSA computer system); or

  2. 2. 

    The DDS continues the CDR case and the computer notice is inadequate because the appropriate notice language has not been programmed; or

  3. 3. 

    The DDS continues the CDR case and they cannot generate a computer notice because successful transmission of the data to trigger the notice cannot be accomplished. This is termed a “systems limitation” case and DDS will identify this case on the SSA-832 (Cessation or Continuance of Disability or Blindness Determination and Transmittal – Title XVI) or SSA-833 (Cessation or Continuance of Disability or Blindness Determination and Transmittal –Title II).

    Systems limitations occur through:

    • Input exceptions due to missing or invalid codes or data. When this occurs, make a correction and correct data transmitted to trigger the notice.

    • Processing exceptions due to data inconsistent with what is already on the record. If correction is possible, transmit correct data to trigger the notice.

    • Processing alerts due to prior information on the record, which may require additional development or processing.

D. Types of manual notices

The different types of manual notices are as follows:

1. Form letters

SSA assigns the form notices an identification number that is printed centrally, and supplied to the field designated with an SSA-L______ or SSA______. Blank spaces referred to as “fill-ins,” provide the ability to add specific details relating to the disabled individual situations.

SSA form letters contain universal notice heading that distinguishes Title XVI notices from Title II notices and includes a variable third line heading. These letters do not require a complimentary closing. You will not need salutations and do not use the titles (Mr., Mrs., Miss or Ms.) in the address. Include the name and title of the supervising regional commissioner on the DDS notices on which the name and title of an SSA official is appropriate. For processing center (PC) notices, show the PC director's name and title.

When a preprinted form notice is unavailable, the DDS will generate the entire notice using blank form notices and stock paragraphs on the appropriate letterhead. For form notice instructions, see NL 00701.000.

2. Exhibit and model letters

Exhibit and model letters are essential guides to assist the disability examiner or adjudicator in preparing notices for situations that occur with some regularity but not in a volume that would warrant preprinting and stocking as a form letter. Where quantity usage occurs, the Office of Disability Determinations will provide a form letter. For an example of exhibit letters, see NL 00703.000.

3. Dictated letters

A dictated letter is a notice made by modifying language in existing letters or paragraphs or providing new language not covered by existing letters or paragraphs. Use dictated letters if there is no form, exhibit, or model letter suitable for a particular situation. Do not prepare a dictated notice if you can use an individual form, exhibit, or model letter by adding paragraphs. For specific form letters, model letters, exhibit letters and stock paragraphs, see DI 31500.000 Correspondence – Table of Contents. For an example of dictated letters see, NL 00703.000.

E. How to prepare a manual notice

  1. 1. 

    If you cannot prepare a computer-generated notice, the DDS is responsible for taking one of the following steps to facilitate preparation of a manual notice: Forward the case to another component for completion of the notice, see DI 28095.015;

  2. 2. 

    Assign the appropriate letter and paragraphs for other components to use in preparing notices;

  3. 3. 

    Assign and prepare the appropriate letter and paragraphs but do not release the notice. If the DDS prepares but does not release the notice, the undated notice (letter and attachments):

    • fold for mailing and clip under the flap of the appropriate mailing envelope,

    • carefully place on the right side of the file so that it will not be stapled or mutilated while in transit, and

    • annotate a SSA-408 (Route Slip) with a remark identifying the office responsible for releasing the notice); or

  4. 4. 

    Assign the appropriate letter/paragraphs, prepare and release the notice.

    NOTE: For cases in Electronic Disability Collect System (EDCS) involving a manual notice, see:

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