TN 2 (07-24)

DI 41001.025 TWP and EPE Provisions of the Law as They Apply to Statutorily Blind Individuals

A. Statutorily blind individuals except DIB, CDB, and DWB persons age 55 and older

The trial work period (TWP) and extended period of eligibility (EPE) provisions of the law that apply to nonblind individuals also apply to these persons. Use the monetary guidelines in DI 13010.060 and the evaluation guides in DI 41001.010 and DI 41001.015.

B. Statutorily blind DIB, CDB, and DWB individuals age 55 and older

If the statutorily blind claimant age 55 or older became entitled to disability benefits while engageing in noncomparable SGA, they are entitled to a TWP only if:

  1. 1. 

    They later return to SGA that requires skills or abilities comparable to those required in the work they regularly did before they became blind or became 55 years old, whichever is later; or

  2. 2. 

    Their last previous work ended because of an impairment and the current work requires a significant vocational adjustment.

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DI 41001.025 - TWP and EPE Provisions of the Law as They Apply to Statutorily Blind Individuals - 07/03/2024
Batch run: 07/03/2024