TN 13 (01-25)

DI 80830.060 Post-Entitlement (P/E) Actions

A. Actionable Material Faxed into eView

A paper folder must not be created to house post entitlement materials associated with claims entered into Electronic Disability Collect System (EDCS). The Field Office (FO) technician:

  • electronically documents essential post entitlement documents or forms whenever possible on the EVID or CCE Report of Contact screens, or

  • fax the documents into eView using a barcoded coversheet created in EDCS, eView, or via Evidence Portal (EP). (See DI 81010.090, Faxing Documents into the Certified Electronic Folder (CEF) Using Barcodes)

If action is required in the Processing Center (PC), the FO will use the SSA-409 (Post Adjudicative Routing) to notify the PC of the action to be taken. The actionable material is faxed into the appropriate section of eView. The PC is notified when the SSA-409 is faxed into the Paperless Processing Center (PPC) for instructions. Use PPC to view the SSA-409 for appropriate action.

B. eDib and the Certified Electronic Folder (CEF)

The CEF makes no changes to paperless functionality in the PC. The PC will continue to receive non-FO P/E actions in the same way as before the CEF. Most PC post-entitlement actions continue to reach PC processing components in the PPC system. Documents reaching the PC in paper form WILL continue to be scanned and indexed into the PPC for control and processing. PC technicians will continue to create, if necessary, and process Paperless ACRs according to existing procedures.

The CEF does not change Paperless routing rules. If Material is received in the mailroom follow local procedures for storing non-actionable material.

C. EF Documentation

In electronic disability case processing, the CE F is the Agency’s official folder. All documents, images, and forms relating to the fact of or continuing eligibility to disability should be placed in the CEF, even if copies also exist in the PC’s Paperless folder.

The CEF coexists with the Paperless folder, rather than absorbing or replacing it. Thus the Paperless folder continues to house ACRs and documents for PC actions. The Paperless folder remains the proper folder for PC programmatic actions.

Post-entitlement issues (e.g., SSA-1709 - Request for Workers ‘Compensation/Public Disability Benefit Information, WC and eWork exclusions) will be housed in both the EF and the PC’s PPC system. See DI 80830.100 for creating a barcode if the paperless document should be housed in eView.

D. PCACS and Paperless Will Display an Indicator That an EF Exists For a Case

In the future a PCACS indicator will include a remark similar to the current “Image on File” remark to indicate that a CEF exists. The indicator will end in a discrete Record Type Descriptor (RTD).

Until this indicator has been developed, technicians must be aware of the possible existence of a CEF in DIB cases. Technicians should check for a CEF before developing for documents from claimants or third parties. Technicians should query the Case Processing and Management System (CPMS), Evidence Portal (EP), and eView before requesting information from Office of Disability Adjudication and Reviews’ (ODAR) components.

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DI 80830.060 - Post-Entitlement (P/E) Actions - 01/23/2025
Batch run: 01/23/2025