SI BOS01415.013 Vermont SSI State Supplement


A. Background


Vermont optional State living arrangement variations are defined in SI 01415.000, Elements of State Supplementary Payments. See SI BOS01415.970 for Vermont Optional State Supplementary Payment Charts – for payment rates from 1974 to present.

This Regional transmittal supplements those definitions with information about a State-administered State supplement for which payment levels are being maintained.


B. Procedure


The Vermont Department for Children and Families is responsible for State supplementary payments for the former Federally-administered State living arrangement (L/A) category F. An individual qualifies for this living arrangement if the provider is a Licensed Residential Care Home or Assisted Living Residence that does not enroll in Medicaid.

All of the homes that were in this category when SSA administered the State supplement have converted their license so that their residents are eligible for Federally-administered State L/A category C. The State of Vermont is, however, maintaining payment levels for this State supplement. Should an eligible individual or couple qualify for this supplement in the future, the appropriate State L/A Code for this category is Z (no Federal determination of State supplement.)

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SI BOS01415.013 - Vermont SSI State Supplement - 11/16/2006
Batch run: 12/23/2024