TN 24 (09-23)

SI 02309.007 Detecting Entitlement to Title II Spouse’s Benefits – KP Diary

A. Introduction

The KP diary is a critical birthday diary. The primary purpose of the diary is to detect entitlement to Title II spouse’s benefits. Additionally, if a person receives Title II benefits on another worker’s record and has a spouse for SSI purposes, the KP diary may identify a change in marital status that indicates we must terminate the Title II benefits.

The KP diary sets in October (at the beginning of the fiscal year (FY)) when:

  • One member of an eligible couple attains age 62 to 64 in the FY and does not receive Title II benefits, but the other member of the couple does receive Title II benefits. Both members of the couple must be in current pay status (C01); OR

  • A claimant in current pay status (C01) attains age 62 to 64 in the FY, and does not receive Title II benefits, but their ineligible spouse does receive Title II benefits.

The diary matures in the month before the month of age attainment.

For more information about the systems criteria for this selection, see SM 01501.250B.

NOTE: A KP diary does not establish protective filing for Title II benefits.

B. When to clear a KP Diary

1. Developing entitlement

Follow the appropriate instructions below when developing a KP diary.

  • GN 00204.027 (Title II Application Open Because of Title XVI Filing)

  • GN 00204.010 (Protective Filing)

  • GN 00204.015 (Title XVI Redeterminations (RZs) as Protective Filings for Title II Benefits)

  • GN 00204.012 (How to Close a Protective Writing)

  • SI 00601.035 (Adjudicating Title II When a Title XVI Application Is Filed)

2. No entitlement found

If there is no entitlement to spouse’s benefits (e.g., because the person is not a “spouse” (Holding Out Spouse) for Title II purposes), clear the diary as explained in SM 01501.250B. If the recipient did not meet entitlement requirements in a prior year, do not develop the diary again.

3. Potential entitlement

If the member of the couple could receive Title II spouse’s benefits, explain during the claims interview how the receipt of Title II income will affect the couple's total SSI payment.

  • If the person does not file for Title II benefits or does not elect full retroactivity:

    • Follow the procedures for filing for other benefits per SI 00510.001 through SI 00510.030.

    • Take action to suspend SSI benefits if they do not comply.

    • Do not clear the diary if you suspend SSI benefits for failure to file for other benefits or failure to cooperate or any other reason.

    • Use the SSR Remarks Data line to document the potential entitlement development.

  • If the person files an application for Title II benefits, update the SSI claim file, including the DDKP screen, to show the Title II filing. If the Claims Specialist adjudicates the claim,input the Title II unearned income in the SSI Claims system, explain the Title II benefit amount, as well as any changes to the SSI payment.

4. Entitlement on another worker's record

If the couple member receives Title II benefits on another worker's record, and has a spouse for SSI purposes, the KP diary may identify a change in marital status or possible termination event. For example, one member of the couple is but should not be receiving survivor's benefits, child disability benefits, or spouse’s benefits.

Review the below termination events and determine if entitlement to the Title II benefits requires termination.

  • RS 00202.040 (Spouse Benefits - Termination Events)

  • RS 00203.035 (Child's Benefits Termination of Entitlement)

  • RS 00207.002 (Widow(er)'s Benefits - Payment and Termination)

If a termination event has occurred, then take appropriate action to terminate Title II benefits with the correct effective month. If a termination event has not occurred, continue to clear the diary.

C. How to clear a KP Diary

For MSSICS cases, complete the DDKP screen as appropriate. For directions on completing this screen, see MS 04422.012. For non-MSSICS cases, delete the diary via the Update Diary (UDIA) screen in the Direct SSR Update process. For directions on completing the screen, see MSOM 00302.019. Transmit completion of LI or RZ if applicable.

Do not re-develop the diary if the case was previously developed and documented correctly in the claims path during a prior SSI action. Document the DDKP screen with the file documentation remarks: “KP diary previously developed and documented.” IMPORTANT: You must review the previous completion of consideration of all Title II benefits before taking no action to re-develop or clearing the diary.

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SI 02309.007 - Detecting Entitlement to Title II Spouse’s Benefits – KP Diary - 09/25/2023
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