General Translation Information
Translate concepts, not words. The Spanish translation must have the same meaning
as the English.
For more information on general Spanish notice guidelines, see NL 00610.080A.
Reading Level Standard
Sixth to eighth-grade reading level
For more information on reading level guidelines for Spanish notices, see NL 00610.080C.
Clear Writing Guidelines
For information on writing in plain language, see NL 00610.030.
Notice Elements
Show addresses single-spaced with even margins in block format
Show the return address of the originating component 4” from left side and 1½” minimum from top of page or
as needed for placement in a double-window envelope
Show mailing address at left margin approximately 2½” from top of page or as needed for placement in a
window envelope
Show a servicing office address in the referral paragraph, placed 3½” from the left side of the page
Bullets and Lists
Never use a bulleted or numbered list for only one item
Place bullets ¼” from the left margin
Place bulleted text ½” from the left margin
For more information on using bullets and numbered lists, see NL 00610.060D.
For information on bullets as an emphasis technique, see NL 00610.060G.
For additional information on the margins and spacing of bullets, see NL 00610.070C.4.
Charts and Tables
Use charts and tables to increase clarity
For information on margins and spacing for tables and charts, see NL 00610.070C.5.
Cover Letters
Emphasis Techniques
Use emphasis techniques, if appropriate
Do not bold or underline more than two consecutive lines of text
Never use exclamation points
For additional information on using emphasis techniques, see NL 00610.060G.
List each enclosure on a separate single-spaced line
Place “Enclosure(s)” left-justified below the signature and title block
For information on the margins and spacing for enclosure information, see NL 00610.070C.7.
Use Century Schoolbook or Times New Roman font
First-line heading—18-point medium
Second-line heading—18-point bold
Third-line heading—14-point medium
Subordinate heading (subheading, captions)—12-point bold
For additional information regarding headings in notices, see NL 00610.050C.
20 lb. white bond paper for one-sided notices
50 lb. white bond paper for two-sided notices
Incorporate SSA Internet links in notices whenever possible
For information on incorporating Internet website information, see NL 00610.060H.
Top and bottom margins—½” minimum
Left and right margins—1” minimum
Do not justify the right margin
For additional information on margins and spacing in notices, see NL 00610.070C.1.
Spacing of text
Double-spacing between paragraphs, subordinate headings (subheadings, captions) and
subsequent text, bullets, and blocks of information
For additional information on margins and spacing in notices, see NL 00610.070C.1.
Multiple Page Notices
First page does not contain a page number
Page numbers shown on second and all subsequent pages, right-justified in the upper-right
corner, using the format “Page x of x”
Center “See Next Page” or “See Other Side” at the bottom of the first page, two lines
after the last line of text
Place a name, claim (or case) number, date, or other appropriate data left-justified
in the upper-left corner on the second and all subsequent pages
Ensure at least two lines of text follow a subordinate heading (subheading, caption)
on a page
Do not break sentences between pages
Avoid showing signature or signature title alone on the last page
Referral Paragraph
Provide appropriate SSA and other contact information
For more specific information on using a referral paragraph, see NL 00610.060I.
Depends on notice type. For information about specific signatures used, refer to NL 00601.003.
For Spanish signature titles, see NL 00610.080E.
Place the notice signature and title block approximately 4¼” from the left side of
the page and on the fifth line after the end of the text
Summary Sheets
Use for complex computations and actions
Use upper and lowercase Century Schoolbook or Times New Roman—12-point medium
Use Arabic numerals instead of numbers written out in word form, unless the number
starts a sentence
Write out months (for example, Enero)
For further information about font guidelines for notice text, see NL 00610.070B.1.
Titles and Salutations
Titles and salutations are optional. To include a title for an adult use Sr., Sra.,
or Srta.
Titles are not shown in the mailing address