TN 54 (11-06)

SI 02305.085 Developing Absence from the United States - RZs

A. Introduction

This section provides procedures for developing recipient allegations about absence from the U.S. during an RZ interview.

B. Description of RZs Completed on MSSICS Screens

Opening a “REDETERMINATION with or without RECAPs” event creates a MSSICS “path” which guides the interviewer to the appropriate screens to document allegations and evidence relating to absence from the United States, as necessary.

C. Description of SSA-8202-BK Question 2

Question 2 on the SSA-8202-BK Since the date above, have you spent a full calendar month in a hospital, nursing home, or any place other than where you live? (also, include trips outside of the United States.)

D. Description of Form SSA-8203-BK - Question 3

Question 3 on the SSA-8203-BK — Since the date above, have you been outside the United States (the 50 States, District of Columbia, and Northern Mariana Islands)?

E. Procedure

Develop allegations about recipient absences from the U.S. as follows:

1. Recipient alleges no absence and other information in SSA records agrees

If the recipient alleges no absence and other information in SSA records agrees do not develop absence from the U.S. further.

2. Recipient alleges absence or no absence and other information in SSA records conflicts

If the recipient alleges absence or no absence and other information in SSA records conflicts:

  • Develop per SI 00501.410.

  • Determine how the trip was financed and develop income, if necessary (see SI 00830.520 for information on gifts and SI 00835.310 for instructions on in- kind income).

  • Compute prorated payments, if appropriate (see SI 02005.001B).

  • Develop possible overpayments, penalties and administrative sanctions (see SI 02201.005 and SI 02301.100 and GN 02604.400).

  • Ask about future travel plans. If there are future plans, establish an FO diary (SM 01301.230) for the month prior to the month the recipient plans to travel. If not, do not establish a diary.

    NOTE: See SI 00501.415 for instructions to process cases involving children of armed forces personnel overseas and SI 00501.412 for children studying abroad.

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SI 02305.085 - Developing Absence from the United States - RZs - 11/02/2006
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