TN 11 (07-24)

NL 01001.130 Procedure for the Data Compact Disc (CD) Special Notice Option (SNO) for People with Blindness or Visual Impairments

A. What happens when the person selects the data CD option?

When a person selects the data CD notice option, we send a standard print notice using normal procedures. In addition, the notice system automatically routes the notice to a vendor who converts the notice to a navigable Microsoft (MS) Word document. We call this process remediation. The MS Word document contains special formatting that allows screen-reading software to read headings and tables correctly. The data CD also contains a read-me file with instructions on how to use the data CD. The vendor will:

  • add a navigable version of any enclosed pamphlets or forms to the same data CD; and

  • mail the data CD containing the notice, the read-me file, and any enclosure(s) directly to the person.

Both notices contain an additional paragraph. An example of the language is, “We are sending this letter to you both in a standard print version and on a data compact disc in MS Word format. You will receive them in separate envelopes.”

EXCEPTION: Disability Determination Service (DDS) notices do not contain the additional paragraph. Instead, the DDS mails a one-time notice in both formats to the person advising that they will receive notices in both standard print and on a data CD.

B. Do we produce data CDs in languages other than English?

We produce data CDs in both English and Spanish. We produce data CD notices in Spanish only when we produce the standard print notice in Spanish.

C. How is a data CD labeled?

The vendor mails the data CD in a paper sleeve. On top of the data CD is a printed label that includes the heading “Important Notice,” and the recipient’s name, address, and an alphanumeric bar code. The CD label also includes the statement “for computer use only.”

D. How does a form on a data CD differ from a standard print form?

We convert any form sent on a data CD into a linear text format. Linear text formatting omits lines, boxes, and other formatting that appears in the standard print version.

Forms converted to linear text format include additional language that does not appear on the standard print form. The additional language instructs the person to complete and return only the standard print version of the form and not the linear version.

The additional language states “This form is for your information only. Please do not fill it out or return it to us. Instead, please complete the form enclosed with the standard print copy of the notice and return it to us. If you need help completing the form, please contact us and we will help you.”

E. Can I view a data CD on a Social Security Administration (SSA) computer?

Yes, you may load a data CD notice onto an SSA computer.

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NL 01001.130 - Procedure for the Data Compact Disc (CD) Special Notice Option (SNO) for People with Blindness or Visual Impairments - 07/09/2024
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