OCSE provides State CSE agencies with information on the location, income, and assets
of child support obligors. This information is obtained through computer matching
activities with State and Federal agencies. OCSE maintains and provides the information
to State CSE agencies via the Federal Parent Locator Service (FPLS).
Section 453 of the Social Security Act requires SSA to provide Social Security Numbers (SSN),
addresses, and benefit data to OCSE/FPLS. We may also disclose tax return information
to CSE agencies for their CSE program administration, in accordance with 26 U.S.C. ยง 6103(1)(7) and (8). The benefit information we provide to FPLS is the same as that from the State Verification
and Exchange System (SVES) IV data exchange (SSN verification, Title II data, and
Title XVI data). The data we send to FPLS reduces the number of requests that State
CSE agencies send to field offices (FO). For information on SVES IV, see GN 03314.155A.