Federal housing programs are income-maintenance programs. We may disclose certain
non-tax return information to PHAs to administer the subsidized housing programs sponsored
by HUD and FmHA.
NOTE: HUD recognizes private landlords participating in Title VIII housing programs as agents
of HUD. We may disclose information to HUD Title VIII landlords without the tenant’s
written consent. However, consistent with the guidance in GN 03314.105A in this section, private landlords should utilize the EIV system. Unlike landlords
participating in Title VIII housing programs, landlords participating in FmHA housing
programs must secure the tenant’s written consent when requesting SSA data. This is
because FmHA has not recognized private landlords participating in FmHA housing programs
as its agents.
REMINDER: Loans for home improvement, mortgages, or other purposes do not meet our criteria
for an income maintenance program. For the definition of an income maintenance program,
see GN 03314.001A.4. Do not disclose personal information without consent when the disclosure request
does not meet our income maintenance criteria. Refer requests for information in connection
with loan programs to the regional office Data Exchange Coordinator (DEC) or Privacy
Act Coordinator (PAC).
We may disclose certain non-tax return information, including verification of SSNs,
to PHAs for administration of the subsidized housing programs sponsored by HUD and
the FmHA. Disclosure is permissible under the health maintenance and income maintenance
routine use cited in a number of our systems of records, including but not limited
to the following:
60-0058—Master Files of SSN Holders and SSN Applications System;
60-0089—Claims Folders System;
60-0090—Master Beneficiary Record;
60-0103—Supplemental Security Income Record and Special Veterans Benefits System;
60-0320—Electronic Disability Claims File.
For information concerning the verification of SSNs, see GN
For information on the disclosure of tax return information to HUD, see GN 03320.015C.2.