TN 3 (03-01)

RM 01361.125 Foreign Language Block

A. Introduction

This section provides instructions for examining the Foreign Language block on the Form SSA-7004. This block will be checked when a requester wants to receive a PEBES in the Spanish language.

B. Procedure

If block 11 or the block above the number holder's name on Form SSA-7004 on prior editions are checked, determine if there is a correspondence “SP” code of “SR” or “SL”.

If a correspondence “SP” code of “SR” or “SL” exists, along with a check in this block, key data from the form.

If there is no corresponding “SP” code, delete the program levels keyed for the record, and handle as instructed in RM 01361.002B.1.

EXCEPTION: If the request is printed in the Spanish language and block 11 or the block above the number holder's name is checked, process as a routine request.

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RM 01361.125 - Foreign Language Block - 03/08/2001
Batch run: 03/29/2017