TN 3 (04-21)
RM 03809.006 Scouting from the MEF Printout
1. The following is general information about how to use the Master Earnings File
to perform routine scouting actions:
Detailed earnings information processed after the 8 posting cycle must be secured
from the Master Earning File (MEF). This includes all earning
from the Master Earnings File (MEF). This includes all earnings processed for 1978
or later years and all delinquent reports, adjustments, reinstatement,
etc., for years prior to 1978 processed after the 28 posting cycle.
In most instances, a MEF printout should be requested via the electronic control system.
Instructions for manually securing an MEF printout, an exhibit
of one, and an explanation of the information contained on it can be found in RM 03900ff.,
Accessing the Master Earnings File.
All scouting to the 1086 film must also include a check to the MEF printout for the
latest posting information.
All computer generated Forms SSA-1826, Itemized Statement of Earnings, will include
information from the MEF printout if itemization for the
1978 or later is requested.
1. Utilize the itemized information on the MEF printout for 1978 and later years in
the same manner applied to an SSA-1826 for prior periods.
2. The following type of scouting functions can be performed from the MEF
Duplicate annual postings for the same employer can be detected. Effective with the
1983 posting year, all annual exact duplicate original W-2 and all
annual exact duplicate original W- and all annual exact duplicate corrected W-2 postings
are electronically offset. Duplicate offsets are reflected on the
MEF printouts as credit items. The legend "Dup Offset- (Year)" is shown in the "Remarks"
field and "Posting adjustment" is shown in the "Type" field of
the Detailed Earnings portion of the MEF display. If the above legends are shown,
apply the procedure in RM 03809.039 B.1.
For years prior to 1978, the MEF printout can be used to reduce the amount of clerical
itemization necessary to resolve a disagreement case. Check
the yearly totals and QC Pattern for the year(s) in question.
3. If the earnings are on the record:
Annotate the "Remarks" screen "Complete" om 2.8.
Do not agree with the allegation and:
No earnings are shown and the QC pattern shows 4 "N"s, there is no need to check the
1086 microfilm, Scout for the missing earnings per RM 03809.030.
Earning are posted to all 4 quarters, itemize and identify employers, Continue scouting
per RM 03809.004.
Some earnings are posted and the QC pattern shows a missing period (s), scout for
the missing earnings per RM 03809.030 or RM 03809.034. In some
cases, it may be necessary to itemize and identify employers before scouting for the
missing earnings.
4. After completing scouting in 2. above, recheck the allegation. If the allegation
Met, annotate the "Remarks" screen "Completed" in 2.8 and process the case.
Not met, itemize and identify employers for the period in question. If further development
is required, technicians should utilize the "Remarks" section
in 2.8 and the MDW process.