TN 11 (09-87)

RM 03846.005 Explanation of SE Symbol (Letter) Entries on the Earnings Record

Listed below are various symbol entries which were made on the earnings record beginning with the inception of the self-employment provisions of the Act. The purpose of these symbols was to identify the item as an SE item and to indicate the actions taken by OCRO in the initial examination of original SE and SE adjustment reports. The majority of these symbols were entered on the record prior to 1968.

Symbol Explanation
CA Cancellation of SEI; item previously shown as “RT” (or “FLD” before such posting included SEI)12
CAN Cancellation of SEI report.12
EX SE report returned to IRS; business exempt or net earnings under $400. 12
EXE Exempt SE adjustment schedule received.12
EXN SE report returned to IRS; business exempt. 12
EXNOB Same as “EXN.”12
EXSE Same as “EX.”12
EX4 SE report returned to IRS; net earnings under $400.12
EX400 Same as “EX4.” 12
FL SE report processed; nature of business questioned; FO investigation. QC's and SEI are posted.1
FLD SE report processed; nature of business questioned. QC's and SEI not posted prior to 1955 but posted after 1954 with certain exceptions.1
FLDSE Same as “FLD.”1

    NOTE: Schedules received in 1952, 1953 and 1954 were posted to the earnings record without quarters of coverage or SEI. In 1955 the items received in 1952 and 1953 that were still pending in the field office were reprocessed as “FLD” with quarters of coverage and SEI. The schedules received in 1954 were also reprocessed in 1955 before they were sent to the field office; however, some were reprocessed as unqualified entries and the remainder as “FLD.”

    The schedules received in 1952, 1953, and 1954 that did not contain an NOB, or the NOB was non-descriptive were designated as FLD-OMIT and posted as “FLD” without quarters of coverage or SEI. These schedules were not reprocessed to post quarters of coverage and SEI. The designation for these schedules was changed to NOB-NR for the schedules received in 1955 through 1957.

MI SE report received from minister1
MIN Same as “MI”1
MINSE Same as “MI”1
NC SE adjustment report received; no change in previous SEI amount.2
NCN Same as “NC”2
NO SE report returned to taxpayer; nature of business not reported or nondescriptive.1
NOB Same as “NO” 1
NOBNR Same as “NO”1

    NOTE: Such Schedules SE were previously returned to the taxpayers for nature of business. Although the return of these schedules to the taxpayer was discontinued beginning with the receipts in 1958, some “NOB” postings without SEI may be discovered.

NQ SE report shows maximum earnings; SEI under $400; QC's not shown.
RT SE report returned to IRS.2 .
RTC Same as “RT”12
RTCADD SE report returned to IRS because of missing or incomplete address. 12
RTCDPL SE report returned to IRS because of duplicate Schedules SE.12
RTCNAM SE report returned to IRS because of missing or incorrect name.12
RTCNOB SE report returned to IRS because business appears not covered.12
RTCSEI SE report returned to IRS because of error in computation of SEI. 12
RTCTL SE report returned to IRS to check if timely filed.12
RTCYR SE report returned to IRS because of error in year.12
SE SE report was deemed correct; unqualified posting of SEI.
SEI Same as “SE”.1
SELF Same as “SE”.1
TL Time limitation expired for filing SE report.2 .
TLE Same as “TL”.12
TLEXP Same as “TL”. 12

1 This symbol is no longer being used, but will appear in transcriptions of certain prior years.

2 QC's and SEI are not posted.

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RM 03846.005 - Explanation of SE Symbol (Letter) Entries on the Earnings Record - 12/20/1989
Batch run: 12/20/1989