TN 5 (11-20)

RM 03851.003 Receiving, Assigning and Processing Congressional Inquiries Involving Earnings Discrepancy Cases

Congressional inquiries/sensitive cases are received either from the Office of Legislation and Congressional Affairs (OLCA) or directly in OCO via component controls.

Individuals designated by the branch will process all inquiries from Congressmen and others, requesting preferential handling of sensitive cases involving earnings discrepancies (ED), coverage questions, etc. that require a reply.

A. When the inquiry is assigned, take the following actions:

  1. 1. 

    Retrieve the inquiry from the component control mailbox. If the inquiry was sent:

    1. a. 

      Directly to OCO, send a copy of the inquiry to OLCA advising that the case was received.

    2. b. 

      By OLCA to OCO, retain a copy of the request in the component control mailbox and forward to the operating component for processing.

  2. 2. 

    The operating component will review and determine the location of a related ED case. If:

    1. a. 

      An ED case is not reflected as a duplicate request, control the inquiry as a sensitive inquiry (SI).

    2. b. 

      The control system reflects an ED case is assigned to a field office, apply the procedures in RM 03851.009.

    3. c. 

      The control system reflects an ED case is assigned within OCO, continue with the steps below.

  3. 3. 

    Retrieve and associate all related material.

  4. 4. 

    Take all necessary action to expedite the case. NOTE: A review of the request must be completed by a lead or a manager.

  5. 5. 

    Prepare a closeout letter.

  6. 6. 

    Release the congressional reply in accordance with existing OLCA instructions.

  7. 7. 

    Close the case via controls.

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RM 03851.003 - Receiving, Assigning and Processing Congressional Inquiries Involving Earnings Discrepancy Cases - 11/23/2020
Batch run: 11/23/2020