If the NH submits a W-2 and SSA records, i.e., DEQY, scouting, etc., show that the
employer submitted a W-2c, question the NH to verify whether they have knowledge or
receipt of a second W-2 (W-2c) from the employer for the year in question.
If NH insists that the W-2 is correct:
Request the employer to complete a Form SSA-7011-F4 and verification of why the W-2c
was submitted.
If the employer response on the SSA-7011-F4 indicates that the W-2c was incorrect
or the development supports a finding that the W-2c was in error take the appropriate
action to correct the NH's ER.
If the employer response on the SSA-7011-F4 indicates that the W-2c is correct, i.e.,
the NH's ER is correct as posted and the NH agrees with the employer's explanation,
document the NH's agreement with the ER on the Earnings Report of Contact (EROC) screen
or the Earnings Remarks (ERMK) screen in IC and clear the case.