In claims cases, take the following action:
If the NH is alive and the SSN correct:
Request the FO to correct the erroneous DOD on the Numident if the ETC code is T and
the DOD was not previously removed. If the ETC code is D, prepare an SSA-3278 for
OCRO removal of the DOD. (If IC is online for both offices involved, the case may
be transferred to either the FO or OCRO for the removal of the ETC and appropriate
correction of the MEF.)
Remove the erroneous DOD or erroneous termination code from the MBR. If the case is
in the FO or OCRO, and IC is online for both offices involved, transfer the case to
the PC (after the DOD code has been corrected) for correction of the MBR and MEF.
When the DOD has been removed from the Numident, reinstate the earnings from Suspense
to the NH's SSN. (MSOM EM 013.001, MSOM EM 014.001) in IC.
If the DOD is erroneous only on the DEQY and/SEQY, (Numident does not have a death
indicator), request OCRO via memorandum to remove the erroneous DOD. (See A.1.a. above
for OCRO address.)
If the NH is alive and the SSN is incorrect, i.e., the NH used the deceased's SSN,
follow B.1.b. above.
If the SSN is correct, the NH is deceased, but the person to whom the earnings cannot
be located or identified, take no action as the earnings should remain in Suspense.