CPT is an alternative work/study, internship, cooperative education, or any other
type of required internship or practicum that is offered by sponsoring employers through
cooperative agreements with the school. CPT must be an integral part of an established
For example, participation in cooperative education and working for University-approved
off-campus employers is a degree requirement for many students at Drexel University
in Philadelphia.
CPT can also include a cooperative work program that is an integral part of an established
curriculum at the school where the student is enrolled and that is related to the
student’s major area of study.
CPT may occur on OR off campus.
The Social Security Administration (SSA) does not require an Employment Authorization
Document (EAD) from Department of Homeland Security (DHS), but SSA requires the school’s
DSO documentation of CPT on page 2 of the student’s I-20. The DSO’s completion of
page 2 of the I-20 with employment information is evidence that the F-1 student meets
academic requirements and authorized for CPT. When establishing CPT work authorization,
F-1 Student does not need a DSO letter, pay stub, or other evidence of employment
status as described in RM 10211.270.
Do not accept page 2 as evidence of CPT for English-language program students because
English-language-program students are ineligible for CPT.