TN 24 (06-24)

RM 10212.070 Evidence of a Name Change based on Naturalization

When a person applies to become a citizen, a request may also be made by that person to the court to allow a legal name change when the person is naturalized. The name change does not become final until the court grants the person U.S. citizenship, at which time a Certificate of Naturalization showing the new name is issued. Accept a Certificate of Naturalization (N-550 or N-570) showing a new name (name to be shown on the card) as evidence of a name change.

NOTE: If you cannot identify the parts of the name which make up the first and last name, verify the parts of the name (e.g., first, last) shown on the certificate with the applicant.

See also:

  • RM 10212.075, Evidence Required to Process a Name Change on the SSN based on a Certificate of Naturalization

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