TN 7 (11-11)

RM 10215.065 OCO Instructions for Shipping SS-5s to the SSA Security Records Branch (SRB)

This section applies only to FALCON users in OCO.

A. Policy for shipping SS-5s (Application for a Social Security card) to the SRB

Offices must ship all processed SS-5s to the SRB for microfilming. Beginning July 2008, all SSA offices (including those located outside the continental United States) should use FedEx Express Saver service (or if FedEx Express Saver is not available, the next most economical type of FedEx service) to ship their SS-5s to the SRB. The only offices exempt from this requirement are those offices not serviced by FedEx. All offices should use the SS-5 Shipment Tracking application to ensure timely delivery of monthly SS-5 shipments.

The tracking application generates a scannable bar-coded label for tracking purposes, and sends the shipping office an automatic email alert if either of these situations occurs:

  • Non-shipment: The shipping office manager or designated officer in charge fails to create a bar code label or does not select the “no shipment” option in the SS-5 Shipment Tracking application within 10 days from the date the office manager or designated officer in charge should have sent the shipment.

  • Late shipment: The SRB does not receive or scan the package into the SS-5 Shipment Tracking application within 10 days from the date the shipping office created the bar code label.

Since these alerts may indicate that a mass loss of Personally Identifiable Information (PII) occurred, the office manager should immediately investigate by following the procedures in RM 10215.085, OCO Procedure for Form SS-5 (Application for a Social Security Card) Mass Loss.

B. Procedure for shipping SS-5s to the SRB

Follow this procedure for shipping SS-5s to the SRB.




  1. 1. 

    Separate and dispose of pages 1 and 2 of the SS-5 package, if applicable.

  2. 2. 

    Do not attach material to the SS-5.

  3. 3. 

    Use a staple remover to remove any extraneous material to prevent tearing the form. For disposal of collateral verification material, see RM 10210.300 and GN 00301.210C. Shred all other development and supplemental information.

  4. 4. 

    Separate the Over Age 18 SS-5s

    • bundle them separately,

    • label the bundle as “Over Age 18” for shipment with the regular applications, and

    • place the Over Age 18 bundle on top of or in front of the regular applications.

NOTE: Over Age 18 pertains to U.S. born applicants age 18 or older who applied for an original SSN. Even though the mandatory in-person interview age for an original SSN now pertains to all applicants age 12 and older, we only ship those original SSN applications from U.S. born applicants age 18 and older separately.


Repair torn SS-5s before shipping since torn forms cause problems during microfilming.


  1. 1. 

    Align the unfolded SS-5s,

  2. 2. 

    put them in a large envelope or box in Julian date order, and alphabetize them within the Julian date.

  3. 3. 

    Package them to prevent movement in shipping, folding, tears, and displacement of order.

CAUTION: The SRB maintains a strict control of application forms. Do not disrupt the order of application forms.


Do you need more than one package to ship one month’s accumulation of SS-5s?

  • If yes, annotate the package accordingly with a black felt-tip marker to show that you are shipping more than one package for the same month (e.g. “1 of 3” or “2 of 3”).

  • If no, write “1 of 1” on the package with a black felt-tip marker.


Use the SS-5 Shipment Tracking application to record the shipment and create a unique bar code label for each package you are shipping. The SS-5 tracking label contains comprehensive address and shipment information (shipping office address, office code, SRB address, month of shipment, bar code).


  1. 1. 

    Print the bar code label page, which contains two copies of the label.

  2. 2. 

    Cut the page in half and put one label inside the shipment package. Attach the other label to the outside of the package.

  3. 3. 

    If you are using FedEx to ship SS-5s, prepare an air-bill using the account number assigned to your office. If you have any questions concerning FedEx accounts, submit them by email to ^OF DAP FEDEX . Direct questions concerning other commercial carrier accounts to the individual carrier.

  4. 4. 

    Print three copies of the air-bill.

    • Put one copy inside the shipment package,

    • attach the second to the outside of the package,

    • and retain the third in case you need it later for tracking.

  5. 5. 

    Place both the FedEx air-bill and the bar code label on the outside of the package but keep them separate as much as possible so the two labels are not confused.

NOTE: If you are shipping more than one package, create a separate bar code label for each additional package. Do not print additional copies or make photocopies of the original bar code label.


Mail the calendar month's accumulation of SS-5s on the last business day of the second month following the month the SS-5s were processed.

EXAMPLE: Ship SS-5s processed in May on the last business day in July.

C. Return address needed when shipping SS-5s to SRB

Firmly attach the SS-5 Shipment Tracking application generated bar code label to the outside of the shipment package. If you accidentally destroyed the label, or otherwise make it unusable, consult the User’s Guide for the SS-5 Shipment Tracking application for instructions.

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RM 10215.065 - OCO Instructions for Shipping SS-5s to the SSA Security Records Branch (SRB) - 11/23/2011
Batch run: 04/16/2013