TN 67 (08-23)

GN 00205.185 Name and Address of Individuals Outside United States

A. Introduction to name and address of individuals outside the United States (U.S.)

We make errors on our records to names and addresses of individuals outside the U.S. because they are not written clearly or consistently on applications or forms. When establishing the name or address for individuals outside the U.S. based on a form, application, or correspondence the Federal Benefit Unit, field office, or Division of International Operations, handling the material prints the name and address in all capital letters on the application as shown below.

B. Procedure for printing the name and address of individuals in capitalized letters outside the U.S. on applications

1. Name

Print the name above the signature line, exactly as it is written, on the application, even if the name is printed elsewhere on the form. Print the name as the individual wants the name to appear on checks if they use a mark for the signature.

2. Address

Print the mailing address above the check address shown by the individual and also the residence address, if different from the mailing address. Correct obvious errors (e.g., spelling, missing postal code, etc.) . Use only SSA standard abbreviations.

EXCEPTION: Do not print the address if it is already typed or printed in all capital letters on the form.

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GN 00205.185 - Name and Address of Individuals Outside United States - 08/16/2023
Batch run: 08/16/2023